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  1. chemistry_geek

    Microsoft Word doc. grows significantly in size with small text changes.

    I'm currently finishing my masters thesis, which is in Micro$oft Word format, and have noticed that the document size increases significantly with small changes and additions to text after saves. As far as I know, I do not have "Track Changes" turned on. Within one day, the document size...
  2. chemistry_geek

    Searching for text inside of a file using grep.

    The reason I was looking for a specific text pattern inside all of the files for my masters thesis is because I forgot the specific file name and folder(s) it could have been placed in. I remember the the text that was in the file, that's why I was using grep. The file I was looking for was a...
  3. chemistry_geek

    Searching for text inside of a file using grep.

    OK, I think I know why grep -lr "0.136" /Volumes/LaCie\ Disk/chemgeek/Documents/9-28-04/Masters_Thesis_Chemistry/Chemical_Structures/*.* didn't find the file the day I was searching for it. I had not yet updated the locate database. After I ran the daily and weekly system maintenance cron...
  4. chemistry_geek

    Searching for text inside of a file using grep.

    yes, I tried that too; it did not work.
  5. chemistry_geek

    Searching for text inside of a file using grep.

    This correctly finds the file when the it is on my desktop: grep -l "0.136" /Users/chemgeek/Desktop/*.* I have tried these and they do not find the file I needed: grep -r "0.136" /Volumes/LaCie\ Disk/chemgeek/Documents/9-28-04/Masters_Thesis_Chemistry/Chemical_Structures/*.* grep -l...
  6. chemistry_geek

    Whats on your desktop?

    Giaguara, where did you get that picture of the ocean, I like it very much.
  7. chemistry_geek

    Searching for text inside of a file using grep.

    I'm trying to search for text inside all files in deep subdirectories on an external hard drive. I've read the man page for grep but I still can't seem to get Panther to find the files I'm looking for. When I place the file I eventually found on my desktop, grep finds the file without any...
  8. chemistry_geek

    4th Generation iPod Back Light Question

    Is there any way to adjust the brightness of a 4th generation iPod? When I'm listening to it in bed and need to turn on the back light to read the screen, it is uncomfortably bright and it even lights up my bedroom. I have to hold my hand up to it screen and look between my fingers to reduce...
  9. chemistry_geek

    Caption the photo

    For your Bushism of the day: Yes, he's said so many that there are ONE or more for EVERY day!
  10. chemistry_geek

    Help--major Finder Bug?

    I think this is a problem with the FIRST version of Microsoft Office v.X. I experience the same problem say in and day out with M$ Office v.X. To get around the problem, create your Borg Word document with a filename no longer than 32 characters. Save the file, quit Word, go to the Finder and...
  11. chemistry_geek

    the speed of Mac OS X versions

    I have a blue and white 500 MHz G3 with 768MB RAM. For what I use my computer for, it's useable if I don't open a lot of memory-hungry apps like M$ Word, Excel (both with large 30+MB documents in each), Adobe Photoshop Elements, GIMP, iTunes, iCal, Classic to run Cambridgesoft ChemDraw Ultra...
  12. chemistry_geek

    Disk Warrior - comments?

    I was working on my thesis about 3 months ago when I had a really bad crash. My hard drive was so badly damaged that it was unrecognizable by the system that it could not boot from it. I tried "repairing" the drive with Apple's Disk Utility, which said that there were errors that could not be...
  13. chemistry_geek

    USB Memory stick problems

    I logged in/out and rebooted several times, even powered down and restarted. The USB memory stick isn't visible in the Finder.
  14. chemistry_geek

    USB Memory stick problems

    I have a SanDisk 256MB USB memory stick and while it was mounted in the Finder I accidentally pulled it out of the USB slot before properly unmounting it by pressing the eject button next to it in the Finder. A message popped up stating that I removed a mounted drive and that damage to the...
  15. chemistry_geek

    Thereasa Heinz-Kerry

    I find it amazing that so many people use "image" and "impression" of a candidate to discuss serious politics for making a final selection for the vote. The photogenicity of a political candidate should not be the deciding factor as to whether or not s/he gets elected to office. What has this...
  16. chemistry_geek

    And we have a winner (maybe)...

    I just wish Apple would bring back the Newton; I always wanted one but the cost was prohibitively expensive.
  17. chemistry_geek

    What do people really think about Microsoft Word?

    I've used WordPerfect 5.0 and 5.1 for the PC at a hospital I used to work for when I was financing my college education. It was very fast, stable, and never crashed. The *ONE* feature that I liked most about it was REVEAL CODES that would reveal ALL formatting codes in the document. Sometimes...
  18. chemistry_geek

    Help: How to change a color range to a different color range?

    All the files I uploaded are various standards for x-ray crystallography data formats. "PDB" standards for "Protein Data Bank," "MOL" stands for "molecule" format. These standards arose from different or newer methods for visualizing molecuar structures with more or different data. I doubt...
  19. chemistry_geek

    Help: How to change a color range to a different color range?

    Here are the molecule files in a compressed ZIP file. The .CIF file is the original X-ray crystallography file; the others were converted to their respective formats from the CIF file. Note, when I use Chimera to view the molecule, I use the .MOL2 file format, though the PDB file also should...
  20. chemistry_geek

    Help: How to change a color range to a different color range?

    Natobasso, I'll try and post the file tonight; it isn't large, just a few KB. The image above is a small portion of a larger molecule. You'll be very pleased when you see the molecule. It's pretty cool, and the molecular surface generated by Chimera by default excludes the ligands posted...