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  1. Jesse714

    Mac from 1984 running Mac OS X Snow Leopard...

    *Mini ITX Motherboard (I went for the low power Intel Atom single core)* Isn't this considered to be a hackintosh?
  2. Jesse714

    Question mark in the folder!

    I would personally replace the CD drive with a DVD, i'm not sure which portable you have, but check ebay, either way, it doesn't really matter which drive you get so long as you get a Slot or tray loading (again i don't know which model you have) Or you can boot it up via target disk mode...
  3. Jesse714

    15" PowerBook G4

    If a 15" PowerBook didn't have a backlit keyboard, would it still have the controls on the F8 F9 and F10 keys? It does have the ambient light sensors, but no backlighting? I tried the app Lab Tick and it says your macintosh does not appear to have a backlit keyboard, my Last 1.67 had an option...
  4. Jesse714

    mac mini and Bluetooth Keyboard - am I really this screwed?

    hmm i thought the wireless keyboards came with a cable for that "Just in case" situation, which you appear to be in :/ i would use a USB keyboard mentioned above..
  5. Jesse714

    iBook G4 showing no signs of life, any suggestions?

    iBooks use the battery as PRAM, there is no battery soldered the board.
  6. Jesse714

    iBook G4 showing no signs of life, any suggestions?

    Its very common the video chip goes out on the iBook's, does the computer seem to be on while the screen is black?
  7. Jesse714

    Macbook look

    Gold? I've never heard of that happening!
  8. Jesse714

    mac book pro upgrade made the performace worse

    Well what brand of ram did you put in? The whats the speed of it? Alot of times, speeds can be interchanged. so you may have up'd your ram amount, but slowed your speed down.
  9. Jesse714

    Replace keyboard on G4

    G4 titanium-Yes, Aluminum 12" yes these models either have tabs like the iBook's, or the 12" you have to pop off 4 keys to get to the screws, and then theres 1 black screw under the ram door. the 15" and 17" are all one piece, because they are illuminated, so changing the keyboard is a little...
  10. Jesse714

    PowerMac G5 A1047

    I'll give it a shot, i've seen them on ebay go for more than 200 for "parts" so i don't have anything to lose. Thanks a lot bro.
  11. Jesse714

    Power Mac G5 start up problem
  12. Jesse714

    PowerMac G5 A1047

    Okay, Thanks for the help, ill try the ram i guess, it was only 10 bucks on ebay, so i guess i won't be out on anything, i paid 200 and it came with the 17" cinema display, keyboard and mouse, so i guess i could give it a go on ebay if all else fails. do both processors interchange? I can't...
  13. Jesse714

    PowerMac G5 A1047

    Power light status What it means On and solid Computer is on and running 2 flashes, pause No memory (RAM) is installed 3 flashes, pause Incompatible memory (RAM) is installed 4 flashes, pause No good DIMM banks detected 5 or 6 flashes, pause Contact Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider...
  14. Jesse714

    Hot Macbook

    Yes the metal can become very warm to the touch, it may be time to service your CPU with some thermal compound. (clean your fans too)
  15. Jesse714

    PowerMac G5 A1047

    I just picked up a PowerMac for a really good price, But, I'm having some trouble troubleshooting it, When i turn it on, i get no startup chime, nor display, if i take off the airdeflector, the fans spin rapidly, and also i get 2 blinks, which from what i have read means no ram/faulty ram, but...
  16. Jesse714

    Keyboard Backlight

    Yeah when i still had my 15" Powerbook it had to be enabled, so you'd want to check there first, like djack said.
  17. Jesse714

    PowerBook G4 Crashes

    What kind of PowerBook is this?
  18. Jesse714

    Which Enclosure and HD for my iBook G4?

    I'd have a look at the following.
  19. Jesse714

    MDD - Can you put a 1.25 chip/logic Brd in a 1.47 MDD?

    I didnt mean it to be offensive, im sorry. I just remember a couple of months ago trying to help you out with your G4
  20. Jesse714

    Trade my PC for a Mac

    Following your Specs that you post, PowerMax has given a 216 dollar estimate, now obviously your computer is worth much much more, but this gives you an idea how it is appealed when your taking a PC against a Mac. $216.00