Search results

  1. D

    convert mac ics to vcs ?

    Hi everybody, Does anyone know of a way to convert iCal-generated .ics files into PC-importable .ics or .vcs files ? I found an ics2vcs perl script online but it didn't work correctly for me.. Cheers. p.s. I tried to search for this before posting, but searches for "ics" and...
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    need advice for cheap RAID web server setup

    thanks, and that goes for the system bus AND the sonnet ata100 bus ?
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    need advice for cheap RAID web server setup

    OK... I've picked up an old G4 - 500 Mhz PCI desktop, ($50 on ebay with a bad video card-- i hope) could anyone tell me: 1. what type & size hard drive this system can accept by default ? and 2. if I get a sonnet ata 100 card, what size ata 100 drive I can...
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    need advice for cheap RAID web server setup

    ok.. so.. I'm eyeing a 733 or an 867 g4.. i'll run tiger on it and get a sonnet raid card + 2 of these I guess:
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    need advice for cheap RAID web server setup

    thanks.. so.. get an older g4 and a sonnet card.. then run the system drive and another drive mirrored.. does that sound OK ? will the system keep chugging along if one drive fails ? how recent of a g4 do i need to purchase in order to support 250Gb or higher size drives ?
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    need advice for cheap RAID web server setup

    Hi, I'd like some advice.. I want to setup a little web server at home.. and want to run a bulletin board system to keep track of the music I own. I'll probably setup a phpBB or something like that... The thing is.. I don't *ever* want to have to worry about making backups.. burning...
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    monitoring a remote machine / software suggestions ?

    thanks.. but I don't have the budget for os x server.. i barely have the budget for the mac mini :-)
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    monitoring a remote machine / software suggestions ?

    thanks for all the comments so far.. I'm not afraid of building the applescript.. but I guess rather than reinvent the wheel, if there *is* a decent, cheap os x software that will provide some basic monitoring I would prefer to go with that.. I checked out
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    monitoring a remote machine / software suggestions ?

    Hi, I'd like to buy a new mac mini to serve as a web and file server. It will be fairly important for the machine to be operational 100% of the time, or as close to it as possible. The machine will be headless and remote and not so easy to get to. Could anyone suggest any software out...
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    Macbook iSight vs. original iSight ?? (specs ?)

    Does anyone know how the "iSight" that is included in the new MacBooks compares to the specs/quality of the original iSight web cams ? I somehow doubt that the quality of an iSight that was so big very recently could be replaced by something that can fit in the monitor width of a laptop.
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    Windows Users see hidden files on Mac Shared Volume

    My concern is that they just look messy.. and I'm concerned that if they can see them, they might be able to move them or delete them. Plus, I don't remember seeing them on other Windows machines that connect to this same share.
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    Windows Users see hidden files on Mac Shared Volume

    I have Windows Sharing enabled, and have a few PC users (running Windows 2000) mapping to my mac. When they do, they are seeing the hidden files that are on that shared volume. Can someone tell me why that is, and tell me how I can prevent it ? they login to the mac with...
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    automator questions-- how to make Safari type into a form ?

    I would like to write an automator action that logs me into my VPN automatically by clicking on an icon. How can I.. 1. make an action runnable by clicking on an icon ? 2. make the automator action type in my password when it opens the VPN URL in Safari ? 3. submit the form using...
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    Can I prevent automatic screen dimming on powerbook?

    Wow.. that's awesome. thank you. to simbalala -- thanks for your concern... but I thought about the pros & cons before I asked the question.
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    wireless router has slow bandwith slow sometimes

    Is the widget "istumbler" ? or is there another widget to pickup 2.4 GHz phone channel activity ?
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    Can I prevent automatic screen dimming on powerbook?

    Hi, I've got a powerbook 1.5 running Tiger.. I have the power management set to power adapter. display sleep set to never but when I leave the laptop untouched (with music playing and I'm reading a pdf), the screen diims every now and then and i have to touch the trackpad to make it...
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    wireless router has slow bandwith slow sometimes

    Hi, I am concerned that my Belkin pre-N router is not as fast as it should be.. or perhaps my cable modem is slowing things down and needs to be rebooted.. Long story short.. I have a cable modem and sometimes get really slow speed on some of the networked computers. Are there any...
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    MySQL weirdness

    This is weird.. my MySQL seems to be running OK I'm running version 4.0.15 several databases are working perfectly via their respective web applications.. In Mac OS 10.3.9, when I open Terminal, I can "cd usr/local" and when I do an "ls" I see mysql in there.. but when I...
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    can i set spotlight to default to search for words in filename ONLY ??

    wow... that's sad.. and what's sadder is that I'm not surprised.. damn them sometimes. Are there any 3rd party search /find utilities ?? (i can't believe i have to ask that question)
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    can i set spotlight to default to search for words in filename ONLY ??

    I kinda miss the find feature in Panther.. I would like to set Spotlight to, by default, find files that have the search word in the filename only. I don't want to see all the other stuff.. by default. Is this possible ? thanks