Windows Users see hidden files on Mac Shared Volume


I have Windows Sharing enabled,
and have a few PC users (running Windows 2000)
mapping to my mac.

When they do, they are seeing the hidden files
that are on that shared volume.

Can someone tell me why that is,
and tell me how I can prevent it ?

they login to the mac with credentials for user "rtgb"

the permissions on the "rtgb" user folder that they map to are as follows:

Owner: rtgb
Access: read only (mac is currently/always booted to another user)

Group: rtgb
Access: read only
Others: read only
Those files are used by the Mac and they don't hurt Windows users. Perhaps, if you would identify a problem that you are trying to solve....
My concern is that they just look messy.. and I'm concerned that if they can see them, they might be able to move them or delete them.

Plus, I don't remember seeing them on other Windows machines that connect to this same share.
you see them because windows does not know that they need to be hidden. if you are really concerned about it, log into the mac from a win pc with read/write premissions, and right click on the files you want hidden and select properties. now check the box next to hidden, and windows will now hide it on that win pc, and hopfully for others that log in to. if not, you may need to do this on every win pc you don't want to see the files. or you could just tell people that they are not to delete any file that they didn't put there. but if they only have read permissions, then they can't move or delete files, that requires write permissions.