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  1. S

    Finder widnow prefs, moving folders

    I know how to set a Finder window's preferences: you open the folder, set the window like you want it (list view, size, position, etc), then close the winddow. The next time you open that folder, it will appear just the way it was before you closed it. However, if you move that folder...
  2. S

    Ineternet Connect turns on proxy aotumatically

    After seeing so many posts about people having trouble with VPNs and Safari, I feel bad reporting a good experience! I connect to my corporate VPN with Internet Connect. Then I fire up Safari, and the proxy in the Network prefs pane is automatically checked. When I disconnect from the VPN...
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    slow display performance on Classic under OS X

    Did some more testing on this issue. Keeping ProcessViewer open in the background, I toggle back and forth between OS X and Classic apps. If the computer had been freshly booted, I notice that TruBlueEnvironment will take up 70% of the processor when I toggle into a Classic app. WindowManager...
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    slow display performance on Classic under OS X

    Entourage is a whole 'nother set of issues. We are working on it, however. As far as Classic apps redrawing very slowly, I notice in Process Viewer that the TruBlueEnvironment and Window Manager processes hog up to 95% of the processor when I click into a Classic app. That seems unreasonable...
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    slow display performance on Classic under OS X

    Uh, at the risk of getting severly flamed, I was able to rectify the slow redraw issue by rebooting the machine. All classic apps were redrawing slowly, not just Outlook, and restarting classic and rebulding the desktop did not solve the issue. I had found a few articles hinting at a possible...
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    slow display performance on Classic under OS X

    Hi Cheryl, Thanks for your response. Actually, I've got 1gig RAM, and it's a dual 1Ghz G4, so it should be able to handle to display load. I think I need to do some more poking around, but my gut is telling me it has something to do with how Classic apps draw to the screen and how OS X...
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    slow display performance on Classic under OS X

    When running Classic apps under 10.2, I'm noticing very slow display performance for those Classic apps. For example, I'm running Safari, hummming along fine, it displays each page very quickly, then I bring up Outlook running under Classic, and it takes ages for the app to redraw. I haven't...
  8. S

    access privelages on nfs mounts

    Greetings, We have nfs share points set up on a Solaris box. I can connect to those mount points in OS X using command-K, nfs://, but I get read-only access. How can I log in to these share points as a user with write privelages? much obliged, Shambo