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  1. P

    Passing USB Devices to a VM, iPod, Logitech Controller

    Howdy OSX'ers, i have a question that the VirtualBox Manual hasnt been able to help me with. i want to be able to pass my ipod classic 160gb to a virtual machine but when i have the ipod mounted, the VM wont let me pass it to the guest OS. but when i unmount it from OS X, the ipod wont show...
  2. P

    MacFUSE, NTFS-3g, and no luck

    im running 10.6.1. after reading all those posts, ill be sure to back up my system and make a Clonezilla of it before attempting to "hack" this even more. thanks for the pointers guys.
  3. P

    MacFUSE, NTFS-3g, and no luck

    interesting, well, i plugged it into my linux box, and it popped up just fine, then i ejected the disk, and unmounted it, then i did the same with my windows machine, and then plugged it back into my Mac, and it still gives me the error. when i go to Initialize, and i click verify disk, and it...
  4. P

    MacFUSE, NTFS-3g, and no luck

    Howdy, im pretty new to the OS X scene, so im looking for help. i have computers that dual boot windows, and linux, linux computers, and unfortunatly, windows computers. in order for me to transfer data i use a file server, or portable harddrives formatted to NTFS to support larger files. i...