MacFUSE, NTFS-3g, and no luck


Howdy, im pretty new to the OS X scene, so im looking for help. i have computers that dual boot windows, and linux, linux computers, and unfortunatly, windows computers. in order for me to transfer data i use a file server, or portable harddrives formatted to NTFS to support larger files. i downloaded and installed the Google MacFUSE program, then downloaded and installed NTFS-3g_2009.4.4-catacombae.dmg. i found one called Tuxera NTFS 2009.10, but im all for free software. it wouldnt auto mount the NTFS harddrive, so i figured i would have to go in and sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/disk1s1 ~/Mounted_Disks/External but i keep getting this problem

sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/disk1s1 ~/Mounted_Disks/External_Hardness/
Read defaults value for LOG_LEVEL: 2
Read defaults value for UBLIO_ENABLED: 1
Read defaults value for PROBE_DISABLED: 0
Read defaults value for MOUNT_RDISKS_ENABLED: 1
Read defaults value for NFCONV_ENABLED: 1
Read defaults value for ALWAYS_RECOVER: 1
ntfs-3g script invoked with command line "/sbin/mount_ntfs-3g" "/dev/disk1s1" "/Users/PDudley/Mounted_Disks/External_Hardness"
Invoking user: root
[Mount] Entering function Mount...
[Mount] Processing argument "/dev/disk1s1"
[Mount] Processing argument "/Users/PDudley/Mounted_Disks/External_Hardness"
[Mount] Got plain device "/dev/disk1s1"
[Mount] Got raw device "/dev/rdisk1s1"
[Mount] Executing "/usr/local/bin/ntfsls" -f "/dev/disk1s1" --path "/.NTFS-3G/.ntfs-noublio"
Failed to startup volume : Invalid argument
Couldn't mount device '/dev/disk1s1' : Invalid argument
[Mount]   Output (OUTPUT_NTFSLS_NOUBLIO): ""
[Mount]   Return value: 2
[Mount]     Non-zero return value. Setting DISABLE_UBLIO to 0.
[Mount] Executing "/usr/local/bin/ntfsls" -f "/dev/disk1s1" --path "/.NTFS-3G/.ntfs-nonfconv"
Failed to startup volume : Invalid argument
Couldn't mount device '/dev/disk1s1' : Invalid argument
[Mount]   Output (OUTPUT_NTFSLS_NONFCONV): ""
[Mount]   Return value: 2
[Mount]     Non-zero return value. Setting DISABLE_NFCONV to 0.
[Mount] Setting NTFS_USE_UBLIO to "1".
[Mount] Invoking:
[Mount]   "/usr/local/bin/fuse_wait" "/Users/PDudley/Mounted_Disks/External_Hardness" "5" "/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g" "/dev/rdisk1s1" "/Users/PDudley/Mounted_Disks/External_Hardness" "-orecover,nfconv,auto_xattr,local,defer_permissions"
[Mount] /usr/local/bin/fuse_wait returned with retval: 19
[Mount] ERROR: Mounting /dev/disk1s1 as /Users/PDudley/Mounted_Disks/External_Hardness failed! Output: Error opening '/dev/rdisk1s1': Permission denied
Failed to mount '/dev/rdisk1s1': Permission denied
Please check '/dev/rdisk1s1' and the ntfs-3g binary permissions,
and the mounting user ID. More explanation is provided at
[Mount] Exiting function mount...

what does this mean, and how can i fix it?
You need to back up and come again. MacFUSE is now included with NTFS-3G and is automatically installed. There is no need to install it separately. Never heard of Tuxera. Based on the information on the Tuxera website, it looks suspiciously like they are commercializing NTFS-3G. Paragon NTFS is the most prominent commercial NTFS utility for the Mac.
interesting, well, i plugged it into my linux box, and it popped up just fine, then i ejected the disk, and unmounted it, then i did the same with my windows machine, and then plugged it back into my Mac, and it still gives me the error. when i go to Initialize, and i click verify disk, and it says theres a problem with the disk, click repair, but the repair button wont become available for me to click.
Are you running 10.6.X at all? I ask because you don't need a product that has not been update for Snow Leopard and do you know that NTFS is built in but not turned on?

If you read this MacOSXHint and the MacRumors forum posting. however is unstable and i believe that it was not turned on because of license issues (Microsoft granting the right for NTFS licensing). It will cause instability because the hack is a hack. If you read the whole forum posted you will find that it does cause instability.
im running 10.6.1. after reading all those posts, ill be sure to back up my system and make a Clonezilla of it before attempting to "hack" this even more. thanks for the pointers guys.