Howdy, im pretty new to the OS X scene, so im looking for help. i have computers that dual boot windows, and linux, linux computers, and unfortunatly, windows computers. in order for me to transfer data i use a file server, or portable harddrives formatted to NTFS to support larger files. i downloaded and installed the Google MacFUSE program, then downloaded and installed NTFS-3g_2009.4.4-catacombae.dmg. i found one called Tuxera NTFS 2009.10, but im all for free software. it wouldnt auto mount the NTFS harddrive, so i figured i would have to go in and sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/disk1s1 ~/Mounted_Disks/External but i keep getting this problem
what does this mean, and how can i fix it?
sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/disk1s1 ~/Mounted_Disks/External_Hardness/
Read defaults value for LOG_LEVEL: 2
Read defaults value for UBLIO_ENABLED: 1
Read defaults value for PROBE_DISABLED: 0
Read defaults value for MOUNT_RDISKS_ENABLED: 1
Read defaults value for NFCONV_ENABLED: 1
Read defaults value for ALWAYS_RECOVER: 1
ntfs-3g script invoked with command line "/sbin/mount_ntfs-3g" "/dev/disk1s1" "/Users/PDudley/Mounted_Disks/External_Hardness"
Invoking user: root
[Mount] Entering function Mount...
[Mount] Processing argument "/dev/disk1s1"
[Mount] Processing argument "/Users/PDudley/Mounted_Disks/External_Hardness"
[Mount] Got plain device "/dev/disk1s1"
[Mount] Got raw device "/dev/rdisk1s1"
[Mount] Executing "/usr/local/bin/ntfsls" -f "/dev/disk1s1" --path "/.NTFS-3G/.ntfs-noublio"
Failed to startup volume : Invalid argument
Couldn't mount device '/dev/disk1s1' : Invalid argument
[Mount] Output (OUTPUT_NTFSLS_NOUBLIO): ""
[Mount] Return value: 2
[Mount] Non-zero return value. Setting DISABLE_UBLIO to 0.
[Mount] Executing "/usr/local/bin/ntfsls" -f "/dev/disk1s1" --path "/.NTFS-3G/.ntfs-nonfconv"
Failed to startup volume : Invalid argument
Couldn't mount device '/dev/disk1s1' : Invalid argument
[Mount] Return value: 2
[Mount] Non-zero return value. Setting DISABLE_NFCONV to 0.
[Mount] Setting NTFS_USE_UBLIO to "1".
[Mount] Invoking:
[Mount] "/usr/local/bin/fuse_wait" "/Users/PDudley/Mounted_Disks/External_Hardness" "5" "/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g" "/dev/rdisk1s1" "/Users/PDudley/Mounted_Disks/External_Hardness" "-orecover,nfconv,auto_xattr,local,defer_permissions"
[Mount] /usr/local/bin/fuse_wait returned with retval: 19
[Mount] ERROR: Mounting /dev/disk1s1 as /Users/PDudley/Mounted_Disks/External_Hardness failed! Output: Error opening '/dev/rdisk1s1': Permission denied
Failed to mount '/dev/rdisk1s1': Permission denied
Please check '/dev/rdisk1s1' and the ntfs-3g binary permissions,
and the mounting user ID. More explanation is provided at
[Mount] Exiting function mount...
what does this mean, and how can i fix it?