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  1. C

    Iomega HD permissions

    Thanks! The thing is, I use TimeMachine on my office ( this HD is only for Timemachine ), but when I get home sometimes I like to work on some files that I´m carrying on the HD. Is it possible to do this using the Timemachine? Note: the timemachine is only running on my office, not at home
  2. C

    Iomega HD permissions

    First of all thanks for your help, but under the "get info" button it doesn´t have the ignore ownership on this volume". Should it appear when I right click the IomegaHD icon?
  3. C

    Iomega HD permissions

    Hello,, I have an Iomega HD (IHD) and two Macs. I can write things on my IHD at the office, but when I get at home it says I don´t have the permissions to write. Then I went to the"Obter informações menu" ( I guess in english is Ask informations, or Obtain informations Menu ) and I change...