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  1. Mikuro

    click on Safari Internet link to trigger Applescript

    This can't be done with mere AppleScript. You would need to write a Safari extension or SIMBL plugin or something like that with XCode. The best you could do with AppleScript would be to have it periodically check the URLs you have open and then operate on them. It wouldn't be able to intercept...
  2. Mikuro

    help with search and copy script

    Look into the -exec option of the find command. You can have it execute certain scripts on every file it finds.
  3. Mikuro

    My humble workhorse

    My first thought: "How'd he get his menu bar to look so nice!" I miss the happy rounded edges. *sigh*
  4. Mikuro

    Autoclicker question (minus the attitude:P)

    AppleScript is capable of simulating mouse clicks. Something like this: tell application "System Events" tell application process "Finder" set frontmost to true click at {1, 1} end tell end tell Replace "Finder" with the name of whatever application you want to use. The application needs...
  5. Mikuro

    Should Apple buy out Microsoft?

    Apple officially states that the iPhone should not be used in freezing temperature. Apple recently denied a Finnish user warranty coverage when their phone exploded in slightly-below-freezing temperature. It has nothing to do with styluses. Apple is not alone in the claim that their products...
  6. Mikuro

    Creating Script that renames photographs

    As a quick draft, I have this:tell application "Finder" set the_folder to container (POSIX file "/path/to/folder/with/pictures") set x to the clipboard as text set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\r" set x to every text item of x set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "...
  7. Mikuro

    Adding Lines to Startup Shell Scripts

    Perhaps I should say non-default. :)
  8. Mikuro

    Adding Lines to Startup Shell Scripts

    Go to Terminal and type chsh -s /bin/bash You might also need to enter sudo chsh -s /bin/bash Bash is the default in OS X. I don't know how yours got changed to sh. Fink won't help you with non-standard shells and assumes that if you're using one you know how to use it. Yours got changed by...
  9. Mikuro

    Adding Lines to Startup Shell Scripts

    Open Terminal (in /Applications/Utilities), and type echo $SHELL It should say "/bin/bash". Fink seems to think it will say "/bin/sh", but maybe it's a bug.
  10. Mikuro

    Windows Gaming on an Intel Mac

    Generally, the i7 is better for gaming, because as you said, a lot of games don't take advantage of multiple CPU cores, and the i7 has a nice feature that will boost the speed of a single core if the rest are idle. But the bigger issue is the graphics card, probably. You can't use just any...
  11. Mikuro

    Is it possible to allow guests wi-fi access without breaching security?

    I've used the dual-router approach in the past as well. The way I set it up is like this: First you have your cable/DSL/whatever modem, and you plug that into your "guest" router. Then you take your "private" router and plug it into the guest router. Set the private router to have a static IP...
  12. Mikuro

    Worrysome feature

    It's a similar mistake. I recommend disabling that feature in Safari. It's been used for exploits more than once in the past. There haven't been any exploits reported since 10.3 IIRC, but still. It seems to me like an accident waiting to happen.
  13. Mikuro

    Not sure how to upgrade xcode and dashboard

    Dashboard isn't part of the Developer Tools, it's part of the basic OS X installation. So I guess you're not using the latest version of OS X. Apple released 10.6.6 just a few days ago, so maybe that's why.
  14. Mikuro

    When is a megabyte not a megabyte?

    I just noticed that Apple has changed how it measures megabytes in OS X. Now it calculates 1MB as 10^6 bytes, not 2^20 like it's been for the past 30 years. Apparently they changed it in Snow Leopard. I think this is kind of annoying. I kept thinking Handbrake was screwing up my file sizes...
  15. Mikuro

    help with conversion of applescript into App

    You shouldn't need to change anything to get a script to work in app form, so it's strange. I just edited the script to use TextEdit instead of AMIDE (since I don't have it), and it works either as a script or as an app. For the purposes of debugging, try inserting "display dialog" commands at...
  16. Mikuro

    help with conversion of applescript into App

    Can you be more specific? What part of it fails? Is there an error message? I don't think this script will work if more than one file is selected, since you're accessing the POSIX path of finderSelection (that won't work on a list, only a single object). But maybe that's not important.
  17. Mikuro

    DivX nightmare!

    Once you move it to the trash it should basically be uninstalled. When you quit & reload your browsers it should no longer be active. If you can't empty the Trash immediately, you don't have to worry about it. Rebooting will definitely free up the files. But probably you just need to quit your...
  18. Mikuro

    DivX nightmare!

    It's probably in the "Internet Plug-Ins" folder in one of your Library folders. Check both the Library in your Home folder and the Library in the root directory of your hard drive. Try doing a file search for "divx" and see what comes up.
  19. Mikuro

    Angry Birds in Peace Talks with Pigs?

    I thought this was going to be about protestors fighting police. Or maybe it is? Once I realized it was about a video game I'd never heard of, I stopped watching.
  20. Mikuro

    Best way to set up backup drive for data?

    A RAID-1 only protects you against hardware failure, which probably isn't as likely as software failure or human error. So I don't consider it a good backup strategy. I've never used Data Backup 3.0, but I would recommend some kind of incremental backup program. I use Time Machine, personally...