Autoclicker question (minus the attitude:P)


HEY GUYS, Before you read this, keep in mind that I'm not familiar with this stuff and I know that I will probably use terminology incorrectly. Please let me know so I don't sound like an idiot in the future...

I've run into a bit of a problem. I have a Mac version 10.4.11 and have been "playing" with Automator and Script editor, trying to figure out whether what I've about both of these being able to auto-click holds truth. Unfortunately, I've found that trying to explore these applications will get you no where if you have no knowledge of the app before-hand.

The action that I need performed is a STATIONARY mouse-click that is able to work on a Java-based game (online MMORPG, runescape) through either firefox or safari. Ideally, I either want to be able to tell the app how many clicks I want or to at least be able to stop an infinite clicking, but if i have to shut off my computer, that's fine.

...if i got this clicking to work, this would level me up in a certain skill. When I finally get home at night from high school and extra-curriculars and finally have the chance to sit down to escape my daily stress, I want to be able to get as much fun out of that small amount time that i can. I'm NOT a lazy person! I just don't have time to get to the higher, more enjoyable, levels because I'm busy CONTRIBUTING to society! and a nice guy ;P ....I apologize but I had to say all of that because the last guy that asked about AUTO-CLICK was completely blasted for being. Hahaha

If you need more info to aid your aid, I'll be glad to give it to you

*Never underestimate these questions about GAMES, guys*
AppleScript is capable of simulating mouse clicks. Something like this:

tell application "System Events"
	tell application process "Finder"
		set frontmost to true
		click at {1, 1}
	end tell
end tell

Replace "Finder" with the name of whatever application you want to use. The application needs to be active for this to work The "set frontmost to true" line is meant to activate it, but it's best to ensure it's active through other means, IMO.

{1,1} is the top-left corner of the screen. It should pull down the Apple menu. Change the numbers to click in different places.