Search results

  1. Mikuro

    x11 Refuses To Install?

    I don't think Apple offers the right version of X11 for Leopard on their web site. You need to get it from your OS X installation CD. Or, if you want to live on the cutting edge, you can install XQuartz, the community-supported version of X11 for Leopard, which is based on newer builds than...
  2. Mikuro

    accessing volumes folder?

    You shouldn't even need to use Terminal. In the Finder, under the Go menu, select Go To Folder. Type in /Volumes and hit OK. Drag and drop your files as usual.
  3. Mikuro

    reencoding for smaller file sizes

    Not sure about Toast. I've never heard of Toast supporting overburning, but I don't have the latest version, so maybe it does now. I know Firestarter FX supports overburning, but for some reason the latest version crashes on startup for me. Hopefully you'll have better luck.
  4. Mikuro

    LED monitor instead of LCD monitor

    As far as I know, there are no LED computer displays yet. There are LCD displays with LED backlighting (instead of fluorescent backlighting), like ElDiablo said, which Apple has begun using. I'm pretty sure that so-called LED TVs are the same -- LCD panels with LED backlighting. "LED TV" is a...
  5. Mikuro

    Performance script

    Here's what I get:Disks: 0 reads/ 0K 0 writes/0K Disks: 190 reads/ 7772K 150 writes/3821K
  6. Mikuro


    If you want to delete locked files from the Trash, hold down the Option key while selecting "Empty Trash" from the Finder menu. Please note that this will delete all items in the Trash (including locked items) without displaying a warning dialog. As for why it appears and disappears, my best...
  7. Mikuro

    Safari 4.0 beta

    Probably not. FWIW, I just found the cause of my problem (sort of): for some reason, Safari can't get updates from Google for it's "Warn when visiting a fraudulent site" feature, and it causes indefinite high CPU usage when it tries and fails. I had a notice under the option saying "The Google...
  8. Mikuro

    reencoding for smaller file sizes

    Any time you re-encode, you will lose quality. You could re-encode to a HIGHER bitrate, and you'd still lose quality. Such is the nature of lossy codecs like JPEG, MPEG, Divx, etc. Whether the loss in quality will be significant is ultimately a subjective matter. If the quality is good to start...
  9. Mikuro

    reencoding for smaller file sizes

    It's definitely possible, but it will take a fair amount of time and you will lose a fair amount of video quality. There are several programs you could use. ffmpegX is very powerful. The newest versions of Handbrake supposedly allow you to convert from any format rather than just from DVDs. I...
  10. Mikuro

    Need ancient Safari History

    If you have Time Machine set up in Leopard, you should be able to pull out the ~/Library/Safari/History.plist file from the backups.
  11. Mikuro

    Transmissions downloads

    I've never had problems with it. I've noticed that when I quit like that, Transmission puts a little "Quitting..." badge on its Dock icon and takes a few seconds to actually quit, so I think it's taking time to clean up.
  12. Mikuro

    Transmissions downloads

    Oh, I see. Do you pause the downloads before quitting Transmission? When I launch Transmission, any torrents that were active when I last quit are automatically started.
  13. Mikuro

    Transmissions downloads

    Go to Transmission > Preferences > Transfers and check the "Start transfers when added" box.
  14. Mikuro

    Sixth FW drive won't mount...

    Are any of the drives bus-powered, or do they all have dedicated power supplies?
  15. Mikuro

    [AppleScript] Duplicate files with timestamp

    It looks like the script goes on to test search_parameter. My guess is you should say set the search_parameter to "Both". But there's probably a simpler way to do this by editing the later part of the script so that it just does what you want and doesn't bother testing search_parameter (assuming...
  16. Mikuro

    basic script question.

    Another thing to watch out for is the line break format. Scripts must use Unix-style line feeds (LF). Script-oriented text editors like TextWrangler let you easily see and change the line break style.
  17. Mikuro

    External Dvd burner with lightscribe

    Yes. I have a model from LaCie that works quite well. They make both USB and FireWire versions, either of which should work with your iBook G4.
  18. Mikuro

    Macintosh Game need help! PLEASE!

    What OS are you running? The Mac version will not run on OS X, but it might run in the Classic environment if you're running 10.4.x or older (not 10.5) and have access to Mac OS 9. VMWare will not run on your G5; it only runs on Intel-based Macs. Running Windows games on PowerPC-based Macs...
  19. Mikuro


    I think the logs really are the best bet. However, while I know startup and wakeup times will show up in the log, I'm not sure about the screensaver. You could also check the modification dates of items in your ~/Library/Preferences folder, or ~/Library/Safari. A lot of apps modify their prefs...
  20. Mikuro

    amount of data and differences is a big mystery

    A 300GB HD is actually only 279GB in computer terms, and the usable space is even less due to formatting requirements. So just from that the discrepancy becomes a lot smaller. It could be that you have some very large temporary system files, like virtual memory swap files, which some software...