

We got burgled two days ago. £60 ($100) was stolen from my oldest daughter's bedroom and her G4 PowerPC may have been accessed (we found that Safari had been reset). Unfortunately she did not have the screensaver password protected.

I have gone into console and looked at the system log. It appears that the computer was started up that day at 19.25 hours, which fits with her use of the computer (so presumably the computer was not accessed).

However, is this log fallible? Is there anything else I should look at? It seems odd that Safari had been reset (which my daughter is adamant wasn't done by her).
Well . . . I would be happy they did not just walk off with the computer.

This is why I have my home wired with explosives. . . .

Perhaps I am being paranoid. And perhaps my burglar had a limp and couldn't carry an old G4 PowerPC (but could have helped himself to a Mac Mini if he could be bothered to find it under a pile of papers).

I suspect it was a local skunk aficionado that needed some spare cash, of which our village is not in short supply due to Manchester and Liverpool's policy of exporting said individuals to our rustic climes (we have enough desperadoes like me to keep the village debauched).

CAVEAT: My neighbours, Brillo (currently completely addicted to Toilet Duck) and Seagull (priceless) are a lot better company that the right wing trash that I have to tug my furlock to each morning on my way to work.

BTW, anyone have an answer to my security dilemma?
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I think the logs really are the best bet. However, while I know startup and wakeup times will show up in the log, I'm not sure about the screensaver.

You could also check the modification dates of items in your ~/Library/Preferences folder, or ~/Library/Safari. A lot of apps modify their prefs on quit, or even periodically while they're loaded. But if you've been using the machine, any dates might already have been overwritten. ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.safari might have some clues if it wasn't cleared.
The screensaver maybe irrelevant, given that is was not password protected (but I know what you mean).

I'll investigate the rest that you mentioned. :)