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  1. banjo_boy

    New PowerMac Enclosure?

  2. banjo_boy

    Newton Question

    And another...
  3. banjo_boy

    Newton Question

    Life has been a little busy for me. Here are the photos. In a sit file. I just got a $50 offer this past week.
  4. banjo_boy

    Register Here

    O..o..o..o...o... Mr. Kott-ier, please register me!
  5. banjo_boy

    Newton Question

    I can get a picture up this weekend. I am booked up until then. Sorry. The MP is in nice condition. It has the telescopic pen. and an 8Mb card. If you have any questions about it, please let me know.
  6. banjo_boy

    Dumb server questions...

    This is the stuff I am looking for. Thanks for the time and help.
  7. banjo_boy

    Newton Question

    How much would you buy a MessagePad 130 for? I have one and am interested in selling it. I paid $40 for it.
  8. banjo_boy

    When PowerBooks Attack

    "When you have a weiner roast, you don't need to build a fire. All you need is a Dell and your oscar meyer..." That will leave a mark...
  9. banjo_boy

    The Future of the iPod...

    I have no evidence that an iPod II is coming out. Only what I have been reading on the web, but I do have some thoughts about it. We all know that an iPod can hold many songs and be used a basic PDA. We all know that you can load a whole CD on to an iPod in 10 sec. What about taking the iPod...
  10. banjo_boy

    iPod II rumors: buy now or wait?

    Why not wait to buy an ipod in January just to see if the price will go down for the 20G? Save a few bucks and get what you want (maybe even bigger) is always good.
  11. banjo_boy

    Dumb server questions...

    THEY'RE ALL GOING TO LAUGH AT ME! Do the Apple servers do the same exact things web-wise as PC servers? Also, is the Server OS X as unhackable as OS X? Would you get one before a PC server and why? Yes, very dumb questions but I am just learning about servers and so why not ask a...
  12. banjo_boy

    Minneapolis to get second Apple store!

    I am sorry. I guess Apple is right. We bumpkins up in them northern 'burbs just don't have the cash to buy somethin' that wer fancy! Maybe, everythin' in the outstate is just too redneck them folk. For those who don't understand: Everything outside the Twin Cities is considered out-state like...
  13. banjo_boy

    Minneapolis to get second Apple store!

    MDLarson, We need to have that done. How perdect is that! Downtown design firms would have ALOT of fun!
  14. banjo_boy

    Minneapolis to get second Apple store!

    Why not North? Why not Maple Grove? Plymouth has money? LOTS! But, I guess not more than the Southwest Subs. I wonder how many people will buy an iBook because it matches their outfit?
  15. banjo_boy

    Minneapolis to get second Apple store!

    OK. We need to put this stupidity of two stores in Minneapolis in perspective. Yes, it's nice to have two, BUT they are within 5 miles of each other. HOW STUPID IS THAT! The only reason that Apple placed the stores in this general area is because it is "more affluent" than others. Tell me...
  16. banjo_boy

    LaserWriter 300

    That sounds good. I will try that one tonight and tell you the results tomorrow. Thanks!
  17. banjo_boy

    LaserWriter 300

    The printer is not hooked up to a hub or a network. It is hooking up directly to my computer through a Keyspan USB adapter. My computer sees it. The Keyspan Control Panel sees it. When I print it gives me a "Computer can't see printer. Is it on? Is the tray full?" Printer is on and loaded. It...
  18. banjo_boy

    Apple: Webbriddle on

    Just go to: Leave off the babble.html. The site is very bizarre. Are we sure that this isn't a "online mystery" storie that is annoying has hell. It mean nothing from where I stand.
  19. banjo_boy

    LaserWriter 300

    Laserwriter 8 will not even talk to my printer. This is sucking badly.
  20. banjo_boy

    LaserWriter 300

    I am running 9 right now, so I will try that. I just put 10.2 on my work machine and I am lovin' it. Thanks Baby Chick