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  1. LABachlr

    Trying to install Tiger; no destination volume?

    Forget it. Now it shows up after restarting.
  2. LABachlr

    Trying to install Tiger; no destination volume?

    Trying to install Tiger on Powerbook G4 with 10.2.8. When I get to the point of selecting a destination volume, there is no HD showing. What's the deal?
  3. LABachlr

    Problems printing wirelessly

    There are 3 Mac's, 2 PC's, and 3 printers on this wireless network. All three printers are wireless. Two of them have built-in wireless capabilities, and one is attached to a print server. When a friend of mine tried printing from one of the powerbooks, it was taking a while (as it normally...
  4. LABachlr

    What is in your arsenal for doing a little spring cleaning/speeding up a mac?

    Thanks for all of the great info. How about OS 8 and OS 9?
  5. LABachlr

    What is in your arsenal for doing a little spring cleaning/speeding up a mac?

    So, besides repairing the disk permissions, what do you guys do/use to clean up a Mac that is in need of some Spring cleaning so that it can go faster and run better? If you use software programs, free or not, please list them and their respective links along with what you use them for...
  6. LABachlr

    What are some ways to speed up a mac?

    A friend of mine is having problems playing AAC files in a certain software program. I can't remember the name of the software right now. In any case, the minimum requirements for the processor for the software is 700MHz. He has a 500MHz Powerbook Titanium with 512MB RAM. He's going to...
  7. LABachlr

    Where does the OS 9 system folder go in OS X?

    Cool. Thanks. How do I point Classic at the system folder via Classic Preference? Where is Classic Preference?
  8. LABachlr

    Where does the OS 9 system folder go in OS X?

    If I were to just copy the OS 9 system folder from one Mac to another one that has OS X so it use OS 9 software, where do I put the OS 9 system folder in OS X? Will this work for what I want it to do?
  9. LABachlr

    Upgraded to OS X, now no access to Word, Photoshop 6, etc.

    And I can install OS 9 while OS X is on there? I don't have to format and reinstall OS X with OS 9 drivers?
  10. LABachlr

    Upgraded to OS X, now no access to Word, Photoshop 6, etc.

    But OS 9 was on there before. Are you saying that when she installed OS X, it got rid of the OS 9 because she opted not to check the box that stated to install/keep OS 9 as well (if that is even an option)?
  11. LABachlr

    Upgraded to OS X, now no access to Word, Photoshop 6, etc.

    Which CD? Is OS 9 on the OS X CD?
  12. LABachlr

    Upgraded to OS X, now no access to Word, Photoshop 6, etc.

    So, how do you do that? How would I fix it?
  13. LABachlr

    Upgraded to OS X, now no access to Word, Photoshop 6, etc.

    I'm still new to Mac, but a friend of mine upgraded her system to OS X, and now she can't access Word, Photoshop 6, and other apps. Is the fix to simply move/copy the apps from the OS 9 folder to OS X? Why did the upgrade not go seemlessly? Not sure what version of Office she was...
  14. LABachlr

    About to buy a used iBook - What tests should I run?

    Thanks for the heads up on the logic board design flaw. I checked it out and found out that mine is one of the first ones (I'm guessing based on the serial #) that has the corrected logic board, as the serial number range for eligible iBooks is UV117XXXXXX to UV342XXXXXX, and my serial starts...
  15. LABachlr

    About to buy a used iBook - What tests should I run?

    I am about to buy a use iBook and was wondering if there were a program out there that I could run to make sure that the computer is running up to par. Here are the specs: iBook G4 800 MHz 256MB RAM 30GB HD OS X - Panther Also, what things should I check during the "pre-purchase...
  16. LABachlr

    Which iBooks can act as a wireless router?

    I know the G4 iBooks can act as a wireless router, but I was wondering how far back this feature has been in existence. Can the iBook G3's do it? How about the Powerbook Pismo's (may be too old)? I guess a better question would be with which model did it start?
  17. LABachlr

    Format a jumpdrive before using it with a Mac?

    LOL. Shows you how new I am to Mac's. Still have not had a chance to play with one yet. Thanks for the info, Pengu.
  18. LABachlr

    Format a jumpdrive before using it with a Mac?

    Is it necessary to format a jumpdrive before using it on a Mac? I just got a ScanDisk Cruzer Mini 256MB USB 2.0 jumpdrive for a friend who has a Mac. I'm pretty sure Mac's don't have USB 2.0 capabilities yet, but of course it will still work on USB 1.1. Question is, since Mac's have a...
  19. LABachlr

    Mac MHz/GHz vs. PC MHz/GHz - how different are they?

    Btw, mindbend, that is pretty impressive.