I really have no clue which one to buy. I have enough for both, the only prob is i really like grand tourismo, so im leaning towards ps2. Is there any comparable racing game to GT3 for xbox? Which system do you own and why??? Thanks
I tried and searched but found nothing on if people actually got it to work. I want to get a bluetooth mouse thats no more then 80 bucks. What do ya recommend?
Of corse but based on how everyone i know with an ipod babes it, i dont think anyone of them would put velcro on it. Is there anyone that would put verlcro on there ipod besides arden???
Thanks a bunch randman, but the cupholders on my car have a door to them. Now instead of the door opening towards the passanger side it open towards the drive side so if i buy the cupholder stand the door would be block some of my view of the ipod, plus i would have to look down to change songs...
I saw one of those on ebay yesterday, i didnt like them because mt cup holders are facing away from me so it wouldnt be good. I also have cup holder covers so that would have to stay open all the time which is annoying.
Well i think im going to go with panavise, thanks dave. My total came out to 52 bucks which includes the stereo mount and vise. I havent ordered it yet tho, i prob will in a week. I will deff post some pics when im done. Kinda expensive but ill do it for my ipod.