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  1. H

    [intel mac mini] what about graphix?

    Ars had some insight on this. Quake 3? No problem. Warcraft 3? I would assume so. WoW? No idea. I have a GMA9something (lazyness setting in) in my Acer laptop... its pretty worthless for modern games. CS 1.6 Runs great though ^_^;
  2. H

    Hibernate alternative?

    I have never had any problems with hibernate on my Acer laptop. I actually really like it because if I need to switch batteries I can just hibernate, pop the battery out and load it back up. It is a nice feature to have. My laptop actually will sleep then hibernate if it has been sleeping too...
  3. H

    WINE for MacOSX?
  4. H


    Console gaming doesn't touch PC gaming yet I am afraid (IMO). Two words come to mind: Keyboard and Mouse.
  5. H

    2 iTunes librarys?

    You can change the location of your iTunes library in preferences, so technically you can have more than one library in a user account, you just have to manually change what library to use. I haven't tried it, but I see no reason for it not to work.
  6. H

    help with reformatting or enabling permissions on ntsf formatted external harddrive

    That is partially correct. You will not be able to write to your NTFS partition, but you can reformat the drive, losing any data on the drive that wasn't backed up on a separate drive. Use disk utility to do this, and think about what you are doing before you click the format button.
  7. H

    "Gadgets" in Windows Vista

    I don't think that would be such a good idea. Mainly because Apple was not first company to implement the idea. In addition, the widget name was also in use.
  8. H

    asr with afp or http

    Are you using a Mac OS X boot CD or the OS X install CD? I tried doing the same a while ago from an install disc and never got it to work, I want to say that network is not loaded at that point. If you are using a BootCD I honestly don't know why it doesn't work. Like I said, i never got it to...
  9. H

    Which versions of MySQL, PHP and Apache do you use?

    Hosting companies are pretty slow to move to newer versions of stuff. There can be a lot of compatibility issues when upgrading. I know MySQL some of they query syntax and keywords from version to version and it is always a pain to get everything converted over. As far as PHP goes usually...
  10. H

    Faster CPUs now in the MacBook Pro

    Hmm, I guess if you want to play the sarcasm game I can do that. Do you think that the people that hacked OSx86 had experience with TPM? I am _absolutely_ sure that all they had to do was throw the disk in, install and blow away the TPM kext... yea it was that simple, no reverse-engineering...
  11. H

    Faster CPUs now in the MacBook Pro

    The only way I could justify buying one right now would be to sell all of my crap. Which isn't really an option at the moment because no one has figured out how to book XP on the damn things yet, even with the almost $12,000 prize. It's kind of funny how quick they hacked OSx86... but no one...
  12. H

    I have connected a Windows laptop to my network. How do I protect it from viruses?

    If you are behind a router, it sounds like you are from your network setup. You don't have to worry so much about catching viruses that spread over the network to insecure machines, the router should block those. You just need to worry about viruses/spyware that you would have to install or...
  13. H

    Faster CPUs now in the MacBook Pro

    Does this mean there is a surplus of MacBooks with the original speced processors... I'll take one at a discount :-D
  14. H

    Validating XHTML

    How are you trying to validate it? Are you copying and pasting your pages into the text box or giving the validator the url for your site? I don't see a problem with the heading, try taking out your meta http-equiv tag, PHP should set the content type to text/html by default.
  15. H

    I'm a PHP noob and I'm getting an error

    to make sure its not a server problem just make a simple php file and call the phpinfo function. <?php phpinfo(); ?> if that doesn't work then your configuration is messed up.
  16. H

    Can you use a "-" in an INTEGER column in MySQL?

    You cannot do that, so either use a varchar/char field or split it up your self. Phone numbers aren't really "numbers" in the sense that you don't compute things with them, its more a string of numbers, I would use either a char or a varchar field so you don't have to create a string from a...
  17. H

    Novell and Xgl

    I pretty much stole this from slashdot, but I thought it would be neat to discuss it here. Basically Novell has released Xgl which is "an openGL accelerated X server layer" Basically, Linux is now getting a lot of Window/GUI functionality we mac users have had for a bit with OS X and what...
  18. H

    [HOWTO] Create HTML Emails using Apple Mail

    You can also copy a page you are viewing, say from safari, then paste it into the message body. I think it brings along some of the style stuff too.
  19. H

    Really pathetic XHTML question(s)

    For the color question you would do that with CSS a:link { color: colorcode; text-decoration: none; /* no underline */ } a:visited { /* put visited style here */} a:hover { /* put hover style here */} check out for info, its usually pretty easy to...
  20. H

    Post The Pic Of Your Setup Here