Novell and Xgl


Mac Metal Head
I pretty much stole this from slashdot, but I thought it would be neat to discuss it here. Basically Novell has released Xgl which is "an openGL accelerated X server layer"

Basically, Linux is now getting a lot of Window/GUI functionality we mac users have had for a bit with OS X and what will be in Vista. Check out some of the things they have put in so far, they have an effect that more or less mimics expose, which is neat. But the best is the cube that lets you switch between desktops with style, this is something that NEEDS to be in OS X if you ask me. I love the idea of being able to have more than one desktop at my disposal and it looks really slick too.

I have to say, I was always kind of turned off by the way windows were rendered in linux, MS Windows isn't that much better, but linux always seemed worse. I kinda want to get a linux distro going again so I can play with this stuff :)

Compiz has a plugin framework, many of the visual effects are implemented by independent plugins. We hope to see numerous plugins for new effects that plug into the existing window manager

So maybe if we are lucky we can see some really creative stuff! I'm excited!