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  1. moav

    faster write speed +RW or -RW for DVDs

    Now that the new superdrives can write at 4x with the proper media what does the +RW camp have when it comes to writing to DVDs? If it weren't for companies like Dell I could still love the Soviets.
  2. moav

    Xserves new slot load drive??

    I was just gawking over the new Xserves and I saw the slot loading CD drive. Did I miss this on the last model somehow? The amazing thing is that the area between the slot load and the HD is a mere .68 inches... If I am correct in my assumption then down the road the powerbooks would be able to...
  3. moav

    What happen to the paint bucket in PS7

    Haha, that is the funniest thing I've read today... Don't worry it's there. Be patient and it will appear.
  4. moav

    Intel and Steve Jobs rumor - interesting update.

    If you listen closely, Jobs catches himselfs and almost chokes, before taking a sip from his water bottle. (do we really believe that's just water in there) I guess he couldn't even believe what he said.
  5. moav

    New Macs real cheap "is it for real"

    I never said my techniques were not a scam! But the individuals who are running this new program are not scamming their customers. "So, what I am saying yes you will get your products, yes it isn't quite kosher, yes Apple frowns upon it, yes there are loopholes in the system. " When I was 18...
  6. moav

    New Macs real cheap "is it for real"

    Truthfully, this is not a scam I used to do something very similar when I lived in a college town. This is how it works... I would ask students on local campuses to give me their names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. so I could sign them up for an apple developer membership $99.00. With an...
  7. moav

    12" ALBook when iBooks are updated ... ?

    I have to disagree on the dropping of the 14" Apple will not do that. They will also have an entry level ibook at the 800mhz w/cdrw. After the middle of the year all ibooks and powerbooks (except the $899 model) should have superdrives standard. Price ranges would be: 800mhz 12" iBook $899...
  8. moav

    Help ibook external monitor problems

    I just purchased an ibook for my girlfriend (800 mhz, combo drive) I've tried attaching the monitor cable to 3 external monitors we we have and nothing appears on the screen. I have been able to use them with my powerbook and powermacs but for some reason I don't understand why nothing shows up...
  9. moav

    Going away to college, hoping to buy a Mac. Which do I need?

    If you are trying to save a little money and want an enjoyable experience with those apps I would recommend getting the 15" powerbook w/out the superdrive... You'll save $500 plus bucks that you could get an ipod with or something. Plus with your educational discount you could get it for around...
  10. moav

    Cell phone built into Powerbooks(true wireless)

    Pittsburgh = ) My Eriksson one world phone went all over the world with me and 90% of the countries i visited in the major cities had no problems with service... and actually for some strange reason worked best in Europe. If they can make a phone that small that includes a keyboard, screen...
  11. moav

    Powerbooks new lithium prysmatic battery technology

    Can anyone please explain this new adage in laymans terms? Is there any difference from ion or whatever we had in the past? And can someon give us a quick timeline on what the first battery technology was in the Apple through the years of powerbook updates even earlier then the 100 series and...
  12. moav

    Where is

    It's kind of sad to see one of our brethren leave us.
  13. moav

    Need ideas for making video game...

    I would call Sharpton or Jesse before anyone gives you their blessing on that game. I guess if you were to do something like a slave trade game, maybe something like a take on dope wars where you could sell slave children to sweat shops in differenet countries or move entire factories to...
  14. moav

    Anyone know anything about update to the 15" Powerbook?

    If I were to guess... sometime the week of March 23... I couldn't be any more specific then that.
  15. moav

    Lengthy wait for iMacs may suggest Updates.

    Your probably right on track... It's nice to see Apple updating products every few weeks or bringing something new to the market... It's kind of ironic that anytime Apple even bumps up the specs of any procuct... let alone software or hardware the tech world thinks that Jesus is on the way. When...
  16. moav

    Cell phone built into Powerbooks(true wireless)

    I guess this is the photo of the new prototype eh
  17. moav

    Cell phone built into Powerbooks(true wireless)

    haha, I definetly like that one = )
  18. moav

    What Ink could be for...

    The funny thing is that it looks like Apple is going to bringing something to the table soon. If I were a betting man I would say in a form factor no larger then that of the previous newton... lets say something between 6 to 9 inches. The reason for this... Apple is suing Unova... This device...
  19. moav

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    Of course in Alias Sidney uses an Ipod when she jogs all the time.
  20. moav

    iShot *new* Apple Digital Camera questions

    Does anyone know if Foveon has done anything for Apple before? Also, what did apple do to the Quicktakes that were based on the fuji-F7 to increase the res?