Apple sightings on TV and movies?

Known actors in it? Check.
Nice movie? Check.
Computer in it? Check.
Apple Macs are in? Check.

WHAT'S THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN? the name of the funny movie starring Danny DeVito and Martin Lawrence...

...a film with an iBook in it but I couldn't remember the title... Well, here it is:
-Good Advice

Also, one other movie with Macs in, is:
-Mr. Deeds

Another two down, MANY more to come :D
Goldmember. The people working in Dr. Evil's Hollywood hideout were using G4's with Cinema displays. They had G4's with Cinema displays in Roboto Industries, and Austin was using a Powerbook G4! Mac invasion!
Hollywood Ending. Good movie. Lots of iMacs, iBooks and TiBooks. :)

Gotta love Woody Allen.
There is a Century Theaters near me and they show an ad before every movie for Fandango. In the Fandango commercial an Apple LCD is shown (cant tell which kind tho).
Originally posted by ByerlyRips
Michael Crichton is a big time Mac fan. Oh, and they were Quadra 700s BTW.

There was this made for TV movie called "The Pirates of Silicon Valley". Rumor has it there was a Mac or two in there....

It's also interesting to note that the PB 5300c in Independance Day has a CD ROM. 5300s never shipped with CD ROMs and there were never any third part options available for internal CD ROM drives. I think it used a drive that accepted only smaller CDs (can't remember exact size). These drives were rumored to be available for the 5300 but they never came to fruition. Did anybody else think that it was amazing that Jeff Goldblum magically knew how to code a virus for an alien operating system?

Wasent the movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley" about Steve Jobs and Bill Gates?
...starring iBook, errr, I mean John Travolta with apples in it is:

-Domestic Disturbance

A somewhat ok thriller...
While not TV or film, "psuedo-Macs" have been appearing in the daily comic strip 'Foxtrot' for many years now. They also had a recurring role in the old strips 'Bloom County'/'Outland'.
The latest episode of "24" had a character open up an older G4 tower to remove a hard drive with some incriminating evidence on it. The only thing that seemed a little off, maybe, was that it showed her detaching the power and IDE cables and removing it, but not unscrewing the hard drive from the bay. Do the towers all have railmounts in the drive bays? I could see why they may have just had the drive loose in the bay to speed its removal in the scene. Dramatic license and all.

Anyway, it was a neat example of how easy it is to open the tower up.

not lucky because his face got fudged up, but because of his moniter....
oh well, getting the new imac soon
Ten Things I Hate About You (guidance counsellor typing erotic romance novel on apple laptop)
Final Destination 2 has 3 different apple computers
40 Days & 40 Nights has a number in the office