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  1. ITz The MaN

    Classic is nothin' - it's all TruBlueEnvironment

    There is an option to load it up at login (done in your system prefrences) but if you want it to load up durring start up, you would have to write a startup script. I am a unix newbie, and I'm not realy sure how to do this..... If people want to make classic/ trublueenvironment load up...
  2. ITz The MaN

    Don't use telnet!

    I came across a problem when I run sshd. Every time I run it, it tells me "error: Could not load DSA host key: /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key Disabling protocol version 2" How do I make a "DSA host key?" Has anyone had this problem?
  3. ITz The MaN

    Is the internet going slower?

    I belive this is usually the case with PPP (dial up users) under os x..... Are you using broadband or dial up? And how much faster are you going?
  4. ITz The MaN

    Is the internet going slower?

    I found something that could be my problem, but I dont know how to fix it: When I booted up my computer holding 's' so that i could fix my hd, I saw something that said that ethernet was running at half duplex...... Could this be my problem? How could I set it to full duplex? Please help.
  5. ITz The MaN

    Is the internet going slower?

    Ever since i started using mac os x, I noticiced that the internet is much slower. Normally I could download at about 80k to 90k on my DSL, now I barely get 40k!!! Has anoyone else noticed this with their broadband connections? Is the internet just slowing down now with all the fast connections...
  6. ITz The MaN

    Software and Games for Mac OS X

    try downloading the mac Q3 demo and using the .cfg (i am not exactly sure what it is called, just look for the file that is not one of the levels in the levels folder) file it comes with instead of the one from the PC version of Q 3. Good luck!
  7. ITz The MaN

    Annonomouse login with OS X ftp server?

    I want to put up an ftp server so that my friends can veiw and download files from the public folder. I want it so that they can log in annonomously, and make it so that the home folder is the public folder. Does anyone know how to do this?
  8. ITz The MaN

    Don't use telnet!

    I su to root. I went into my etc directory and typed "ssh-keygen -q -f ssh_host_key" It asked for a passphrase and i pressed enter. it asked again, and i pressed enter again. it went to to the command line. i typed sshd. then it gave me an error: "error: Could not load DSA host key...
  9. ITz The MaN

    When the Beta expires, will people be hosed?

    OK, i actually went and tested it myself. I was able to restart my computer just fine after setting the time ahead, but after i loged in, a message poped up telling me i need to boot up from my system disk (ovcourse not the os x cd). It also thanked me for testing os x. The only thing i could...
  10. ITz The MaN

    When the Beta expires, will people be hosed?

    If people realy want to know what happens after OS X expires, you could disable the network time syncronization (maby even disconnect yourself from any broadband modems), set the date up to May 16, 2001 and see what happens. Maby even do a restart. I am too lazy to test it out myself (though i...
  11. ITz The MaN

    Please help with OpenUp 3.0pb1

    The same thing happend to me! I did find the problem though! I downloaded it from, and it seems like they put a link to the source and not the binary! All you have to do is goto the developer's site, folow the link to the download page, and download the binary!
  12. ITz The MaN

    Where are the Easter Eggs ???

    Maby if apple gets enough requests for easter eggs, they might put some in the next reliece.......
  13. ITz The MaN

    Compile Source Code to Cocoa?

    Is there any way to compile source code for a unix app into a Cocoa app? How about linux source code? Maby somehow using the apple dev tools (which i already have installed)?
  14. ITz The MaN

    Changed my startup panel, now its stuck!

    In the folder "Mac OS 9" there is a control panel named "System Disk" (if its not there, you should find it on your mac os x cd). Open it and select mac os x, then reboot!
  15. ITz The MaN

    Screensaver passwords

    I found another PW enabler named "Screen Lock" You can get it at Is there any differance in what theis two do? I only Screen lock. it seems like they do the same thing, except this one installs another file (classes.nib) as well as...
  16. ITz The MaN

    developer tools

    Does it make any differance if u "steel" it from darawin, compared to installing the ones at apple's dev site (ADC)?
  17. ITz The MaN

    Classic Won't Boot (TrueBluEnvironment???)

    To get that SCSI problem fixed, go to apple's web site and download the update! For classic to work, make sure all your classic stuff (mainly the system folder) is in a folder named "Mac OS 9" then go to your prefrences and seclect the name of the hard drive classic is on. Good luck!
  18. ITz The MaN

    Classic Won't Boot (TrueBluEnvironment???)

    actually, here I found it for u!
  19. ITz The MaN

    Classic Won't Boot (TrueBluEnvironment???)

    Search for a post called something like 'super user lockout.' If you can find it, it will tell you how to solve your pobelm.
  20. ITz The MaN

    Some Cool Tricks for OS X!

    I found that resexcellence has a cool page with a bunch of tricks for os x ( I looked at the part that tells you how to change your startup screen, and I wondered if you can replace it with a movie or something (I heard from someone that his friend...