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    I miss Marathon

    I miss making level for Maraton... of course, that was before I had and Internet connection and anyone I could share them with. And I don't have them any more because I sold my PowerMac and eventually sold my games because I figured I'd never get another one... Then I bought this PowerBook...
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    Ballmer is an idiot....

    I always though of him as Gates' henchman. :D Like he'd beat-up anyone that got in the way. I'd like to write him a letter saying "All I use Windows for is to download my music that I listen to on my Mac." :) I'd like to know how the iPod is any different than any other MP3 player in...
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    Linksys Wireless Router - Who is connected?

    Speakeasy, my ISP, actually has a wireless sharing policy were they'll support you sharing your connection wirelessly with your neighbors. If you're going to leave you wireless connection open, the least you should do is change the default password on your router...
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    Objective-C pointer to pointer?

    Figured it out, that works, my problem was it being a NULL pointer when it was called -awakeFromNib:, that was dumb.
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    Objective-C pointer to pointer?

    I was trying to have a pointer that pointed to another pointer that points to the instance of an object... such that: Object *instancePtr = [[Object alloc] init]; Object **ptrToInstancePtr = &instancePtr; Then I was trying to send a message like: [*ptrToInstancePtr message]; But is...
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    gVim for Mac OSX

    Never used it, but did you read this?
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    Linksys Wireless Router - Who is connected?

    You can check the LAN status page to see what DHCP clients are connected to the router, but it doesn't list static-IPs. You can also enable your logs to see where is data is coming from and going to.
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    Open GL and the Magical Floating Square!!

    Does it happen with just this game?
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    iTunes File Management questions...

    Depends on the Preferences you have set. If you have it setup to copy all music to your iTunes folder, then it will copy it there and that's what will show up in your iTunes library.
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    Really Simple WebObjects Question

    You actually create your projects in Xcode. Xcode will then launch WebObjects Builder as a GUI tool much like Interface Builder for apps. Apple has a good tutorial for WebObjects in the Developer Reference Library. It was kinda tedious to read through, but it got me up-to-speed quick with the...
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    .app won't launch

    Make sure you build in 'Deployment' mode and not 'Development' mode. Check under the Detailed Build Settings Menu.
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    Visual Basic.Net for Mac OS X?

    Do you already own a Mac or were you thinking about buying one? I would image that the .NET IDE would not be as nice to work in under Virtual PC as on a real PC. Will you only be taking the one programming class? Or will you have more down the road? My college was all Unix programming, no...
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    Can I run a Mac application as a PC-style "service" in 10.3 ??

    Well, I just tried it with Calculator, but Calculator is a Cocoa app. Whether or not FileMaker has an Info.plist file associated with it, I don't know. But if it did... select FileMaker and choose Show Package Contents. Open the Contents folder and there may be an Info.plist file. Open that...
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    making an audio-cdr readable to cd-players in toast

    Just make sure that you're burning an Audio CD or Enhanced Audio CD and not just copying music files to a Data CD. Then, if it still doesn't play, it's probably the quality of the media. I've had bad luck with a lot of cheap CD-R spindles... I've been having the best luck with Fuji, used...
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    Can I run a Mac application as a PC-style "service" in 10.3 ??

    Would it be possible to make a copy of the FileMaker app and change it's Info.plist file? A key of LSUIElement with a value of 1 will make a Cocoa application run in the background without a dock icon or a menu bar. I haven't tried doing that with any existing apps though.
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    Making Website Load from External File

    You could use PHP to just read from a flat file... have each line in the file be a record of sorts ended with a newline character. Should be pretty easy to do that way. It depends on how organized you want the file to be. iTunes uses XML, so you could also parse that too, but I haven't done...
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    When taking a screenshot...

    Open it in Preview and export it as some other image type.
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    align subview of scrollview

    Maybe try looking into the isFlipped: property. It's reverses the Y coordinates of a view.
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    Apple laptop displays

    Before I bought my 15" PowerBook I bought a nice Gateway Centrino with the 15" 1400x1050. At first I thought that was the sharpest display I'd ever seen... everything looked so bright and crisp. After the first week of owning it though, I found that the contrast sucked... yeah, the screen was...
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    iChat in Tiger

    I'd probably use iChat if it would at least let me set a profile. And while iChat does look nice, it'd be nice if it didn't take up so much of the screen. Though, if the iChat status menu would show all my buddies that are online and not just the ones that are available, maybe I wouldn't care.