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  1. Timmargh

    CSS and why I hate Microsoft

    With the current uptake of Firefox they're already losing a big share in the market place. The browser stats for people visiting my site currently stand at: Internet Explorer 22% Crawler/Search Engine 22% Safari 20% Firefox 13% Opera 6% Lynx 2% Undetermined 15%
  2. Timmargh

    What do you think will come next?

    ... and the original iMac.
  3. Timmargh

    Tiger on an iMac G4

    I've got virtually the same spec (1.25GHz, 768MB etc.) and Tiger runs beautifully - no complaints. I don't exactly max out my machine, though - Mail, Newsfire and Safari are open 24/7 with iTunes also open most of the time and either DreamWeaver or iPhoto with Photoshop.
  4. Timmargh


    "Downloaded" ... ? :confused:
  5. Timmargh

    itunes smart playlists query...

    You can't mix Boolean in smart playlists unfortunately. :(
  6. Timmargh


    For anyone else who's reading: select File -> Save as plug-in ... and a dialog will appear asking you which app you want the plug-in for - the workflow will then appear in that app's context menu under Automator.
  7. Timmargh

    Whats in your menu bar?

    A useful little app named MenuCalendarClock.
  8. Timmargh


    You can save it as a plug-in, e.g. for Finder (you access it via Control-click), or go File->Save as... and change the file format to Application
  9. Timmargh

    Whats in your menu bar?

    Synergy, Sailing Clicker, MenuCalendarClock, iChat, iSync, Bluetooth, Volume, Airport, Users and Spotlight.
  10. Timmargh

    what is the best msn messenger app. for mac?

    Adium is probably the best. It is indeed possible to access your MSN contact through iChat - here's how.
  11. Timmargh

    How much does RAM actually help?

    It's like juggling: more RAM will teach you how to juggle more balls at once, but it won't teach you how to juggle faster or more reliably. Or something. I'll get me coat.
  12. Timmargh

    Caption the photo

    "Vladimir Putin's suspicions are increased amidst rumours of George Bush receiving prompts on what to say via satellite." I'll get me goat ...
  13. Timmargh

    [HOWTO] - Use MSN, Yahoo!, or ICQ in iChat (Tiger only)

    Superb, topic. Thanks!
  14. Timmargh

    Will these work with Tiger

    A Tiger-ready version of CandyBar has been released.
  15. Timmargh

    Bullring Apple Store (Birmingham, UK) - Opens 29/4/05

    I'd consider going to the opening but there's bound to be hundreds of people ... :(
  16. Timmargh

    CSS - cross platform fonts??

    If you want a specific font for headings and such you could try using dynamic text replacement.
  17. Timmargh

    Apple leaks info..?

    I always wonder if when someone spots information that has slipped out that someone at Apple loses their job ... ? :(
  18. Timmargh

    New Displays?

    Sorry, but I was only guessing. It just seems a bit pointless to create new screens that a) change the ratio that has been used throughout the range; and b) only extend it by 10%. No offence meant.
  19. Timmargh

    New Displays?

    Current displays are 16:10 - e.g. 1440x900. That screenshot is approximately 17.7:10 - e.g. 1596x900 - so I'm guessing it's just badly resized.
  20. Timmargh

    Will these work with Tiger

    I don't know about the others, but Candy Bar has been updated for each 10.3.x increment so I assume it'll do so for 10.4. Don't quote me on that though!