Search results

  1. Timmargh

    Alcatel Speedtouch USB Modem Drive for OSX 10.3

    I have the Alcatel SpeedTouch 330 and it works fine on my iMac running OS X v10.3.4. Go to ... ... where you can download the original drivers ("Original") and the update ("Driver upgrade"). Obviously, if it's not the 330...
  2. Timmargh

    Pics of my new green ///M3, 56k beware

    Looks like a nice little runner!
  3. Timmargh

    Airport Express / Printer question

    Cheers - I'll try that.
  4. Timmargh

    Airport Express / Printer question

    Can I connect any printer to an Airport Express thingy or does the printer have to be a specific "network" type printer? I currently have a HP PSC 2175 All-In-One, and while I understand that using the scanner component would be a "No-no", would it still print?
  5. Timmargh

    Whoa....that was weird

    I blame cosmic rays. ::alien::
  6. Timmargh

    UK iTunes Music store IS NOW LIVE

    79 pence per track or £7.90 for an album - very reasonable in my opinion.
  7. Timmargh

    UK iTunes Music store IS NOW LIVE

    Just spent nearly £12 on some Adam And The Ants, Primal Scream and Bruce Hornsby And The Range tracks and a Mr. Bungle album. :D
  8. Timmargh

    Broadband for the uk

    Hiya, I use Pipex and I get a standard 512K line for £23.44 a month, although the price has risen slightly since I joined. Service has been excellent (although, I've never had to call them!) and the line itself has been faultless. Obviously, different areas will experience different levels...
  9. Timmargh

    Virtual PC files > MacOSX HD?

    Your Apple can read your mind and as soon as you thought about it it launched the app ... :confused:
  10. Timmargh

    Weird iMac noise. Save my sanity!

    Mike, I got your email with the AAC file attached and I can confirm that it is the same noise I get. I've heard a similar noise in my CD player which has been put down to the laser parking itself out of harms way - maybe it's something like that. [EDIT]: Found this topic on the Apple...
  11. Timmargh

    Weird iMac noise. Save my sanity!

    Mike, I, too, have a shiny iMac and do experience a strange noise occasionally - I've always put it down to the hard drive going to sleep or something like that. It's happened from the day I took delivery and usually occurs when the computer has been sat idle for a minute or two. Email...
  12. Timmargh

    Got my iPod...Do i dare open?

    It's a start ...
  13. Timmargh

    Got my iPod...Do i dare open?

    I bought a 17" iMac about a month before the 20" one came out - not sure if I would've paid the extra for the bigger screen, though. After all, I was moving from a 15" CRT on a *cough*PC*cough* so it was a good enough improvement for me anyway. Mini iPod ... I already have my money sat in a...
  14. Timmargh

    Got my iPod...Do i dare open?

    Don't you ever wish you could give someone an oh-so-gentle slap via the internet ... ? ;)
  15. Timmargh

    really annoying smart playlist bug still exists, even after update

    I have the same problem ... just learnt to live with it!
  16. Timmargh

    Food 2004: What is your BEEF today?

    Now I'm hungry. This calls for a fry up!
  17. Timmargh

    email spies?

    My cousin had this problem - one day he clicked "Check for new mail" and Outlook Express proceeded to try and download over 5000 emails! Guess who had to sort it out for him? :(
  18. Timmargh

    Show Your Dock

    One more ...
  19. Timmargh

    What is virtual PC like?

    A friend of mine was trying to convince me to switch and, as a long standing PC user, I was reluctant. He let me use his G5 and 23" cinema display for a week last year. The day after he had his system back I bought a 17" iMac and haven't looked back since!
  20. Timmargh

    Palm Sucks The Big One!

    "ALREADY" (sorry)