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  1. profx

    MS Office V.x and long file names

    ARHG... Does anyone else have the problem of long file names being truncated and replaced with garbage at the end? This really drives me mad. MS Office V.x seems to only support 32 char file names, almost all files i have are longer than that, so when ever it opens them it conveniently...
  2. profx

    internet headers in Mail

    are you sure? Seems to show everything for me. Is there a specific header you are missing?
  3. profx

    Infrared problems 10.3.2

    ok... no one else has this issue? Where would the IRDA prefs be kept then? Im gonna hunt them down and delete them
  4. profx

    Infrared problems 10.3.2

    Hi, I tried connecting my friends new Sony-Erricsson T610 yesterday and the infrared menu-ling went crazy. The menu bar in the top right kept on disappearing (clock, battery level etc...) I couldn't turn infrared on or off and even once the phone was removed it still did it. Even after a...
  5. profx

    iTunes Queue Manager - beta testers wanted

    sorry, no... abandoned project. Maybe the next version of iTunes will have "on the go playlists"
  6. profx

    Audio Codecs

    Its hard to explain the sample rate with out a little physics... I presume you know what a sine (math funtion) looks like? Imagine that sine wave is actually the music you are encoding, say the sign wave has a frequency of 1 hz (one cycle per second). The sample rate is specifys how often the...
  7. profx

    Sound Balance in iTunes

    the sound preference panel allows you to do this, set the ballance between left and right
  8. profx

    How To Delete Smtp Server In Mail

    in /Library/Scripts/Mail there is an apple script called manage smtp accounts, run that, it's fairly self explanatory once you discover where apple hid this utility!!
  9. profx

    My LAN file transfers are sssllllllooooooowwwwww...

    do you have a 2.2GHz cordless phone or anything like that? Anything operating in the 2.2Ghz range will cause interference and slow it down
  10. profx

    dvd audio ripper all you need
  11. profx

    WiTunes and importing tracks

    well, mac itunes wouldn't recognise his tracks either. I downloaded MP3 Rage (brilliant s'ware) and discovered that the tracks seemed to have two versions of the id3 tags. 1.1 and 2.3. I stripped out the 1.1 tags and hey presto it worked!! One very happy WiTunes user! So i think the...
  12. profx

    WiTunes and importing tracks

    yeah but that wont help cause he wants to use itunes - and itunes wont read the id3 track names... im gonna import his collection on to my mac and update the id3 tag versions, hopefully that will solve the problem! thanks for the suggestions!
  13. profx

    WiTunes and importing tracks

    nope, no track info is there. and to make the matter a little worse itunes has reorganised the library so now he has a 8Gb folder of unknown artist unknown album! Im gonna try and import them into my itunes on my mac, update the id3 tags and try again.
  14. profx

    WiTunes and importing tracks

    Hey everyone, First off this is a winXP - itunes problem, but i hope someone here can help. a friend of mine is trying to import all of his tracks in from real juke box. Some tracks come in with track-artist-album id3 tag info but most don't (we are talking about 2000 songs here - so dont...
  15. profx

    Simple Scripting?

    from command line ditto from/dir to/dir you can dray folders from the finder to termainal so you don't have to type it in if that works then it wont be too hard to make a script that does one line
  16. profx

    iTunes sharing music on the same computer

    you could share the library but this would also involve sharing playlists, playcounts etc... If you go to the advanced tab in itunes prefs you can select the music folder location, i have mine in the shared folder. You might need to check the permissions on the items in the itunes folder...
  17. profx

    Powerbook Video Out/Mirroring Question

    if you attach an external keyboard and power supply your power book will run closed, using the tv as the monitor. Otherwise you can (as you said) just turn the brightness right down until the backlight for the screen is off. i have had well over 6 hours of use out of my powerbook (550...
  18. profx


    i would attach the clip of the monkey scratching itself but it is 376Kb, if anyone wants it post a place i can put it or give me your email. Its really funny
  19. profx

    'ls' in FTP error on G5 under 10.2.7

    this is a problem with win nt ftp server, i have the same problem all the time with my university server Connected to host.domain 220 Microsoft FTP Service Name (host.domain:profx): domain\user 331 Password required for domain\user. Password: 230 User domain\user logged in. Remote...
  20. profx

    Logitech MX700 mouse

    if you get keyboard maestro (search you can basically customize the buttons to do that ever you want. just set up a hot key - some difficult to key key-combo then set keyboard maestro to do what ever on that combo. safari forward/back is apple+left or right finder back...