My LAN file transfers are sssllllllooooooowwwwww...


I have a NetGear wireless router and an Airport card in a TiBook 667. I also have a G4 desktop 350 hooked up to the router via an ethernet cable. Both running OSX.2.x

Transferring files between the two is PAINFULLY slow. a 100mb file can take 10 minutes to transfer.

Is this normal? It makes the network almost unusable for me. I was hoping to backup the laptop to an extra HD in the desktop via the network, but that could take days at this rate.

Is there anything I should be poking/tweaking/kicking?
do you have a 2.2GHz cordless phone or anything like that? Anything operating in the 2.2Ghz range will cause interference and slow it down
Well the airport card in your laptop only runs at 10 mbps, so yes, is does take a while when transferring files via airport. If you have an extra port on your router, you can hook up your laptop to your desktop with an ethernet cable and get 100 mbps instead.

10 mbps is fine for surfing/downloading on the web, but is painfully slow in file transfers.
Ah. So that's just the way it is with the airport. *sigh*

Well, not a huge deal for backups, at least. I'll just use the land line for that. I am bummed that I really can't use the airport too effectively to access a file server to work off of.

I do have a phone, but that should only interfere when it's in use, no?
Only if the phone is on the same channel as what your basestation is running on. You can have a 2.4 Ghz phone coexist peacefully with airport, you can either change the channel of the basestation via AirPort Admin utility, or depending on the model of the phone, you can change it on the phone.
Also might want to keep an eye on that signal strength. TiBooks (I have one) tend to flake out when they don't have full signal. I was seeing speed decreases and even drop out with 75% signal strength.
make sure your router is 100mbps. i had the same problem and went and checked my hub and it was only 10mbps...cable may make a difference as well.