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  1. C

    10.1 Update vs. Full Install

    From my experiences : - the "upgrade" CD upgrades only OSX - the "complete" CD can upgrade from OS9, but can also upgrades from OSX. And by the fact, you can also upgrade from a "beta" version of puma without trouble.
  2. C

    10.1 for download

    When it will be available, I hope people would make copies of this and put it on the "common networks", so that everyone could access to the update and it would free some load on the Apple servers. I have access to a T1 connection, so if I get the update, I will upload it to a server near me;)
  3. C

    OSX build 5G48

    Well I did the same 2 days ago, and I am really impressed with it. This version is almost finished, everything behave as expected, I only noticed some minor bug, I hope they will be fixed soon. for exemple, in the icon mode, arranged by name, when you click on the "zoom" widget, the windows...
  4. C

    Will iBook (Dual USB) run OSX well?

    You can buy your iBook with no fear. I tried an iceBook for a week. OSX was preinstalled (only 10.0.3). I updated it to 10.0.4 and even with this version, which is very slow, it is still usable. And I don't make comments about 10.1, you know what everyone will tell you. The only thing...
  5. C

    OS X + XP: Who will really win?

    The fact is today, OSX isn't a seller app. It won't increase the number of Mac by itself. OSX can be installed on about 2 million machines (if they increase the memory), but XP can be installed on tenth of millions of machine. It could be hard, the problems could be big, but PC users bought...
  6. C

    9.2.1 is out

    Well I got the update with a normal modem connection, and the download rate was 4,55 Kbyte/sec. 5 hours !! But the download got okay, and I installed it on both my classic partition and OS9 partition. With 10.0.4, Classic makes few changes from 9.1. Perhaps a little bit snappier in some...
  7. C

    10.1 upgrade versus 10.1 retail

    The thing I would like to know is if the update CD will be available some days after the complete OSX, or a couple of weeks. I don't know if I would wait so long, given that postal delays are sometimes very long (4 to 5 weeks !). It would be nicer if Apple registered the people who would like...
  8. C

    10.1 when in September?

    OSX 10.1 will be available at the AppleExpo, exactly one year after the PBeta. This Expo is the most important computer show in France (more than the PC expo) and is an important expo in Europe. And there is the Seybold show, on the American side. These shows are the moments to debut...
  9. C

    I am fed up!

    I use the OSX PB since October and I enjoy it. But the new modifications of the 4K series are very good and I think they will help the common user (as I am) because it standardises the interface. I prefer to use the "finder" to manipulate my files (and not the desktop), the Apple menu becomes...
  10. C

    4k17 AWSOME!!

    You said that this version gained 100% in speed, and in some other reports it is said that the improvement is of about 300%. I use the public beta every day, and it is very slow, almost unusable intensively. Does your build version 4k17 make the use of the OS easy, or does it still lack...