10.1 upgrade versus 10.1 retail


Member that enjoys Meece
I was wondering if anyone knows if the version of 10.1 Apple plans on sending people via mail [for the $20 upgrade] is the same version they plan to sell in stores?
is there a general list of what is new in OS X 10.1 ????
I am interested in specifics like languages, DVD, CD-RW etc
The thing I would like to know is if the update CD will be available some days after the complete OSX, or a couple of weeks. I don't know if I would wait so long, given that postal delays are sometimes very long (4 to 5 weeks !).

It would be nicer if Apple registered the people who would like to have the update (on the AppleStore for exemple), and make it be available through mail by the end of the month of September, like they did for the 10.0. I received the system by mail only 2 days after the official launch, so do it again Apple !
I'd like to see Apple sell their $20 update CDs at their stores. There's one opening near me in early September and I don't wanna pay shipping and handling or wait for delivery.
In the past, Apple has provided both options on the CD. You can choose a "clean install", or install over existing OS. I have a feeling that it will be the same for this one.

I highly doubt that Apple would require a complete reinstall.

I don't think that Apple has put any price on the Update CD yet. I don't think that they have officially said that it would cost $20 shipping and handling.
Originally posted by knighthawk
I don't think that they have officially said that it would cost $20 shipping and handling.

Yes they have. It was stated in the press release, as well as S. Jobs keynote.

Here's What comes in the box:

- 10.1 Bootable CD
- 9.2 Bootable CD
- 10.1 Developer CD
- Welcome to Mac OS X 10.1 book
- The coupons
- ...... and all that other junk