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  1. Gnomo

    Need PHP SendMail form, then redirect to download page

    yeah, that would work for sending you an email. However, all you really need is the mail() and header() commands. Something as simple as "mail( $destination, $subject, $message ); header('location: $destination'); " would suffice for what it sounds like you need.
  2. Gnomo

    dotted line border around a box

    You can do this very easily with CSS. To get the white background, set the style to "background: #ffffff;" To get the dotted line around the box use "border: 1px dotted" You can apply these styles to just about any html element so if you are using tables to layout, you could apply them to...
  3. Gnomo


    You can use the php function nl2br( $string ) to replace all of the '\n' characters with <br /> tags.
  4. Gnomo

    Auto-switching between airport networks?

    You should be able to have both access points use the same network name and your wireless card will automatically switch to the access point with the stonger signal. No WDS necessary. Let me know the specs of the access points and I will attempt to help you set this up.
  5. Gnomo

    Using an Airport Express as an AP

    I think you need to re-read the airport express pages (specifically things like "Airport on the Go"). It is an access point. However, when it comes to WDS it has reduced functionality and can only act as a remote base station. It also has a reduced functionality when it comes to clients and...
  6. Gnomo

    Using an Airport Express as an AP

    Because the Airport Base station has more features. The Airport Express is clearly designed to function as a low end access point for those that want to have the wireless stereo option, but do not need or want a full fledged wireless network. While the Airport express can be configured to...
  7. Gnomo

    changing dock icons ??

    Just to give you a heads-up, some programs like Mail, iChat, iCal, etc use dynamic icons. So if you have a custom icon using the "get info" method described above, when you open the program it will change the icon back to the default icon. So if you want to change those icons, you need to...
  8. Gnomo

    Airport Card requires Base Station?

    Yeah, the airport card will work with any 802.11b compatible device. They only have the "requires an Airport Base Station" so that the retards that spill Coffee on themselves and sue the coffee shop can't buy one and then be like "It doesn't work" when they is no network in range. If you...
  9. Gnomo

    Mac on a windows server

    Well, for starters things like what version of MacOS are you running? What version of Windows are you trying to talk to? I've had this problem before also, where computers simply don't show up in 'network', but I can always mount the windows shares using connect to server (apple-k) if you...
  10. Gnomo

    Sending message from Windows to Mac (Found a WLAN Network)

    I'm with MBHockey on this one. If it were me, I would care. 'Cause what is preventing your from using a service like BitTorrent and eating all of my bandwidth? Or using something like Kazaa or other p2p network and getting the RIAA pissed off enought to hunt you down, but end up with my name...
  11. Gnomo

    Multiple Wireless Access Points?

    Yes. Sorry I should have clarified that. ::angel::
  12. Gnomo

    Multiple Wireless Access Points?

    Okay, so here is how to set up the APs so they are on the same network. Configure the AP to have the same network name (SSID) as your wireless router. Set the AP to a different channel than the router. 802.11b/g only has three unique, non-overlapping channels: 1, 6, and 11. You want...
  13. Gnomo

    Legal Question: M$ Office 2004

    I am currently considering getting a copy of Office 2004, but before I shell out $150 for an upgrade, I though I would ask for some assistance understanding my rights when it comes to the EULA. 1. I am currently a college student, and as such qualify for the Educational version of office...
  14. Gnomo

    messed up icons

    Recently I have noticed that some of the icons on my computer are messed up. For example, I downloaded a PDF yesterday and it had the icon for a DVD-R. At first I thought it was just a custom icon, but then I noticed that other pdfs that I have had on my iBook for some time also had this icon...
  15. Gnomo and IMAP

    I have an question regarding IMAP folders. I have 2 IMAP accounts. One is from my school (exchange) and the second is hosted by my friend's website (unknown, probably unix related). For my school account the IMAP folders (ie. Deleted Items, Sent Items, etc) appear under an icon that looks...
  16. Gnomo

    help with tables

    Sonjay, Thanks for your help. The nested table fixed the problem I was having with IE. It took a little extra creative effort to get the entire page to finally render the way that I need it too. I wasn't too worried about the table cells matching up perfectly because the design of the site...
  17. Gnomo

    help with tables

    Thanks for the quick replies. I'll try using the nested tables that sonjay recommends. It will be a slight modification to the layout, but I think with CSS I can make it look the same, so the webmaster will be none the wiser (I don't think she ever really looks at the html, she prefers to...
  18. Gnomo

    help with tables

    I could use some help with a table rendering problem I'm having with IE 5 for mac (and probably IE for windows) When I render the following table in mozilla or safari, it looks the way it is supposed to. The top cell is 89 pixels, the middle cell sizes depending on the content in it...
  19. Gnomo

    Built in virus protection in mac os?

    Companies that develop OSes have to be extremely carefull about the types of "extras" that they incorporate into the OS, especially after M$ got sued by Netscape for bundling IE with Windoze (not that M$ didn't deserve it). While it might make the system safer having antivirus be apart of...
  20. Gnomo

    PHP and code-behind pages

    I think I understand what you are talking about, but are talking about having a variable for just about every tag or just chunks of html?