changing dock icons ??


hello ••
how do i change icons in my dock for things like ichat..iphoto..system pref... i managed it for finder and trash using candybar, but some of them i just can't figure out how to change! help!
Do a "Get Info" on the file/icon you want to put on the application. Click on the icon, and hit command-c to copy it. Then, highlight the application in the finder and do a "Get Info" on it. Click on the icon, then hit command-v to paste the new icon.

Drag the icon out of the Dock and then drag the application with the new icon back into the Dock.
there are also some shareware software for doing that, that allows you to change the finder and the trash icon.... don't remember the name, check in versiontracker!
Just to give you a heads-up, some programs like Mail, iChat, iCal, etc use dynamic icons. So if you have a custom icon using the "get info" method described above, when you open the program it will change the icon back to the default icon.

So if you want to change those icons, you need to save the icon that you want to use as a .tif file and replace the image file in the program (show contents), be sure to save a backup so you can change it back.