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  1. theCaptain

    Dont Read This If You Want Tomorrow To Be A Surprise!!

    I completely agree with the good man simX, this thing is hot. You have to out of your mind to lable this thing ugly. It so damn sleek, you just can't handle it.
  2. theCaptain

    New Imac Revealed

    After all this hard work to keep this thing a secret. Out comes Time exploiting this thing the night before its release. I bet Stevie boy wishes he did and interview with Newsweek now!
  3. theCaptain

    New Imac Revealed

    If this baby has a G4 then the Power Macs must have G5s or blazing fast G4s. This thing is awsome, I don't know why you guys are complaining. We still dont know the exact specs. anyway, give it time. I think this thing is a lot cooler than what were looking at in these pictures!
  4. theCaptain

    Apple has got us by the sack and/or titas!

    SimX I am not saying that this is a bad thing, Apple is the only company with such a diehard fan group [I am one of them] and I think it is terrific that people can be in love with a company. Hell I wouldnt mind if Apple took over the United States Government.
  5. theCaptain

    iPod is a PDA, we just don't know it yet???

    Actually the thing that gets me is why would they call it the iPod. The word, pod isnt a direct reference to music. This may sound insane but I can see Apple releasing a mini LCD that you attach to the firewire port and a Operating System that you dowload to turn the iPod into a mini PDA.
  6. theCaptain

    Apple has got us by the sack and/or titas!

    Your absolutly right my good friend SlUR. The word control is without doubt inappropriate under this case. I simply used it for lack of a better word at the moment. Thank you for correting me. The word control applies to this "other" company.
  7. theCaptain

    Apple has got us by the sack and/or titas!

    We are all so damn excited, its amazing a company has this much control over its people. I am not saying this is a bad thing either!
  8. theCaptain

    This is the real flat iMac!

    That is Apple circa 1989, their is no way they would have Apple written across the front and we all know they would do a hell of a lot better designing this thing. Their is no reason for it to be this big.
  9. theCaptain

    Apple's 25th Anniversary?

    I think Your really hitting on something here my good man KSV, really good thinking. The 25 Anniversery it for sure why Apple is getting things really stirred up here. This is a very valid point!
  10. theCaptain

    Forget the iWalk, this is what Apple is releasing (with proof)

    I must applaud the kids working over at Spymac. You had a lot of us convinced including myself for a while that this "iWalk" was legit. This video was the creation of a very dedicated fan(s). Wow, I mean I don't know what to say. Truly impressive.....Truly impressive!
  11. theCaptain

    Apple releasing new PDA

    Man this device looks amazing. I cant imagine any possible way for someone to create a video of this device actually working and being used. However a strange aspect of this unit is that it looks very similar to the iPod, which could be what Apples going for but you never know. Everything...
  12. theCaptain

    MWSF - Apple sets expectations high

    This is crazy, this is crazy! Apple sure has got something cooking alright, its been a long time since they hyped something so much. They are fixing to blow us away with this new product!
  13. theCaptain

    MWSF - Apple sets expectations high

    Get some Apple stock my friends I can see it really taking off, starting tommorow. This reminds me of the thing Apple did back in '84 during the Super Bowl. Although highly unlikely, what if Apple were to create a new type of computer, not a macintosh, but a new series of systems. I know it...
  14. theCaptain

    Broadband Access: How sweet it is, how sweet it is...

    Chemistry Geek, Thank you so much for responding. If I ever have a concept that I simply can not grasp, it looks like you are the one to talk to. I just took my exam last week and I am crossing my fingers, but I have a bad feeling about it.
  15. theCaptain

    Apple will charge us for 10.2.

    I remember hearing something Steve Jobs said that I believe was at Macworld New York, that Apple will offer OS X upgrades for about a year, before we had to buy the next version. Does anyone else remember reading or hearing this? On another note, if 10.2 is going to be as impressive as im...
  16. theCaptain

    Broadband Access: How sweet it is, how sweet it is...

    Sorry my friends but this particular post has nothing to do with Apple or computers in general. My question for you Chemistry Geek is Are you really good at chemistry? I am taking it in school and it is hard as hell, I cant for the life of me grasp the concepts of moles and measurement...
  17. theCaptain

    Happy Holidays! (with poem)

    Thats a really good poem man, keep that up.
  18. theCaptain

    We Want Wolfenstein!!!

    PLEASE Finish it for us! Wolfenstein is perhaps the best game I have ever played. The Multi-Player version is great but I want the full app. If you have not yet played it you are missing out. It also runs a lot faster on OS X than Windows 9X or XP.
  19. theCaptain

    Photoshop 7 Beta is terrific

    I have only had a little time to play around with it, but photoshop 7 beta is looking great. I can only dream of what the final is going to be like. Not to mention it is sooo fast, even on my 400mhz G3. Dont worry I plan on paying for it when it comes out, im just testing it. I will post...
  20. theCaptain

    A disturbing Macworld cover?

    Can anyone tell me what the deal is with this