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  1. RGrphc2

    What apps are ready

    Wow, thats a lot of programs out so far, still waiting on the big ones though, from Asypr, Adobe & Quark (all the programs i use) Knowing Quark, they won't update to x86 till 2007 and Adobe who knows, i just hope they offer a free update so it runs without emulation
  2. RGrphc2

    What apps are ready

    What applications are ready for the Intel-Based macs? I know of a few, and on project osx86 they mention that all the apps bundled with OS X Tiger are now universal binaries the ones that i know of: coconut battery Photobooth
  3. RGrphc2

    Mac mini the first to go Intel?

    wow...and i thought they couldnt get any thinner
  4. RGrphc2

    Intel Inside, Apple Outside

    Or because it's run on x86 chip, open up Virtual PC in full 100% emulation and run HL2 faster on the Mac then on the PC... :D :D :D
  5. RGrphc2

    Intel Inside, Apple Outside

    i would like to see what happens during the switch, i want to see what kind of performance the new intel chips offer. Yes AMD hit the 64bit for x86 first but Intel's power is in Portable's nowadays, and the new chips coming out are based on the Pentium M, but Dual-Core 64bit versions of them...
  6. RGrphc2

    Mac mini the first to go Intel?

    But i thought the Yonah, Woodcrest and Merom chips weren't ready till mid next year. Keep in mind what Jobs said at the keynote, or what he didn't say : "Pentium" not once other than his demo machine did he mention it. Even with the news of the switch coming sooner that expected i still...
  7. RGrphc2

    what to buy or wait ??

    Agreed Diablo, RAM & Harddrives from any computer company tend to be more expensive. I saw the 500 GB harddrive from the Powermac G5's for sale at best buy this week for $170. and check out Dealram for RAM prices
  8. RGrphc2

    That's an Apple girl...

    i was 5 at the time...keep dreaming whitesaint, i'm trying to convert my girlfriend to mac and it's so far proved nary a chance in hell...
  9. RGrphc2

    Canon i9900 Printer Question

    Next year i'm looking at getting a Canon i9900 printer and want to print wireless so i don't have to connect my laptop to it just to print. I'm looking at the IOgear bluetooth adapter for printers. It say's its not for use...
  10. RGrphc2

    Nano lawsuit.

    I think Joy of Tech Summed it up pretty good...
  11. RGrphc2 "Under Construction"

    The Apple Collection is good too
  12. RGrphc2

    What's your screen size?

    If you use a Powerbook or iBook what's your screen size i'm just curious on what most people have here.
  13. RGrphc2

    Leopard to Feature Redesigned Finder

    It is too early to know what is going to happen in Leopard, but i wouldn't be surprised if Spotlight eventually becomes Finder.
  14. RGrphc2

    Apple releases "Aperture" software for pro photographers.

    Thanks for the advice with the Digital Camera, a lot of people recommend the D50 to the Rebel. mdnky, i'll have to stop by CompUSA and play around with both camera's hopefully the one by me has them out as a demo. :D
  15. RGrphc2

    Apple releases "Aperture" software for pro photographers.

    Really the D50 came out better? I have worked with Several Canon Digital's before (Powershots) and was still debating on what Digital SLR i was gonna get, i was thinking either a D50 or a Rebel XT. I can't find too many good package deals on it though...(extra lenses, case, cleaner, memory...
  16. RGrphc2

    Dual Core PowerMacs Tomorrow

    Don't forget about the available 1 Terabyte of Harddrive space :eek:
  17. RGrphc2

    Apple releases "Aperture" software for pro photographers.

    it's like an iPhoto Pro really... :rolleyes:
  18. RGrphc2

    Apple releases "Aperture" software for pro photographers.

    It's nothing like Photoshop like i first saw, its for manipulating RAW camera images using Core-Image Starting to dream that i had a dSLR camera and a Powermac or iMac G5....anybody care to spot me $3500 ??? ::ha::
  19. RGrphc2

    Dual Core PowerMacs Tomorrow

    The powerbooks were just slimmed down and trimmed, no more Combo-Drive's apple realize's that DVD burning (Superdrives) are the thing, instead of 5 models of Powerbooks to choose, it's 3, making things a lot easier on the consumer, and makes my powerbook very outdated ::ha:: ::ha:: ::ha::