Well, you could try to zap the PRAM. When the machine starts up, after you hear the startup chime, hold down Command (Apple key) + Option + P + R until you hear the startup chime again.
It's possible the USB port is just dead. Do you have AppleCare for this machine? If so, you should take it...
Vide post count for lotusflamme.
Not important in this instance, but may signal an accounting problem somewhere.
Eeesh. Do you actually see more than one user? I.e., if you go to the /Users/ directory, or look in System Preferences / Accounts?
When you search for the old email messages, where are they? Show us the directory where you find them.
As a general rule, anytime you run into a problem with an iPod, it's Apple's way of saying, "Buy a new iPod."
iPods are, I think, the least fixable devices (note the plural) I've ever owned.
Well, the thing you need right now is a computer that can read the troubled drive. By "machine with FireWire", I meant "computer with a FireWire port". Because when you boot the iMac into target disk mode it's just a disk; it doesn't know how to do anything. You need another computer to...
Do you have another machine with FireWire? If you do, you can try booting the iMac into target disk mode and seeing if the drive is readable that way.
If you don't have another machine, the next option, which is not recommended if you haven't pulled this kind of stunt before, is to remove the...
You may want to try setting the umask for each user, or for the whole server, and also seeing whether (since I don't know what OS X Server versions everyone's talking about) whether the old 10.2 HOW-TO still applies.
Apple's own docs on this are less than helpful, as I'm sure you've seen.
The cause of SSH/SSL issues is very often conflicting library versions. It's the first thing to check when there's nothing obvious causing the connection failure. If the client and server have libraries where even one call on one side is deprecated on the other, the connection will get...
If you've gotten to the point where the script is sending messages, then you've made it to the world of potential email problems. We'd need much more detail to help you at this point.
How many messages are going out? Have you checked whether recipients are getting the messages block by a spam...
If you would like to read more about this in plain English, look at this Ars Technica post (especially the lengthy discussion that follows), this quest for the paste in question (wherein you can clearly see that the problem is a massive over-application of paste), this post on MacRumors, and...
This whole layout is awkward. iframes are useful if you have a fixed area that you'd like to use to refresh content, but generally more trouble than they're worth if you're looking for a dynamically-sized area.
It is possible, however; read here for an in-depth discussion.
You should also...
...And if ElDiablo's answer about default index page extensions doesn't make any sense to you, then you definitely need to embed the .swf in an HTML file.
Here's a recent article on embedding media into HTML if you'd like to read a little more about the issues surrounding this.
I believe that Finder should on startup open any Finder windows that were open last time it shut down. If this isn't happening correctly, you might want to just trash Finder preferences, which aren't that important, and see if that helps.