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  1. J

    Problems connecting PPTP VPN

    I have set up a PPTP VPN connection to a Windows server. Two issues: I cannot connect to the server and get an invalid name/password message even though the server admin has confirmed that I have access and am using the correct name/password. also, My internet access is trying to go...
  2. J

    irda printing

    Cheryl, Thank you so much for your time... I finally looked where I *should* have looked at the get-go - on HP's site (seems Apple *should* have this info on *their* site!) According to this HP article, IrDA printing is not supported with OS X...
  3. J

    irda printing

    Hi Cheryl, Thx for the reply but, this printer is also used by others in this small office. So... direct connection is prob not an option. In looking through other OS X forums, I see others have the same issue - however their queries have not received any solutions. Is IrDA printing just...
  4. J

    irda printing

    I've recently made the switch to OS X and am running 10.2.6 on a 550MHz TiBook. I'm having problems printing using an IrDA connection. I have an older HP LaserJet 6mp that does not have Ethernet connection so, we can't add to our network for printing. Hence, I rely on IrDA for printing. When I...