irda printing


I've recently made the switch to OS X and am running 10.2.6 on a 550MHz TiBook.
I'm having problems printing using an IrDA connection. I have an older HP LaserJet 6mp that does not have Ethernet connection so, we can't add to our network for printing. Hence, I rely on IrDA for printing.
When I try to print, the OS simply says that the printer cannot be found.
I tried adding the printer via the print center but, I don't see IrDA as an option when adding printers.
Does anyone have a solution?

Many TIA
Hi Cheryl,
Thx for the reply but, this printer is also used by others in this small office. So... direct connection is prob not an option.

In looking through other OS X forums, I see others have the same issue - however their queries have not received any solutions.

Is IrDA printing just not possible from OS X??? surely Apple would have thought of this!

Is a pain in the butt to restart in OS 9 just to print!

Any other potential solutions?

I found the solution.... I think.

IrDa: In the Network pane of System Preferences, choose IrDA from the Show pop-up menu , click the IrDA Modem tab, then select "Show IrDA status in menu bar". If IrDA does not appear in the Show menu, select Network Port Configurations, then select IrDA.
Note: Available only on portable Mac OS X computers that include an IrDA port.