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  1. C

    Using SCSI card in Single user mode

    Well, no luck. Command-I on my main drive at least gets me a box (greyed out) around the 'read and write', but nothing changed for the other drive. i changed the Security/enable Root option, but still no change to Info window. Wife's calling cause i'm still at work. She's
  2. C

    Using SCSI card in Single user mode

    I wish it looked like that, but it doesn't. It just says "you can read and write" No box or arrows for choice. No Details line. No Ignore ownership line.
  3. C

    Using SCSI card in Single user mode

    I'm there but don't see how it can be changed. The Names and Extensions line gives me a place to change the title of a drive, but there is no option that i can see for changing the permissions from a Read and Write to a Read Only
  4. C

    Using SCSI card in Single user mode

    Ooops! Forgot to mention that this is a new G5 and i am therefore a complete newb to Macs. So uh i got the Command-I part, but how do i go about changing the drive to read only.
  5. C

    Using SCSI card in Single user mode

    I'm trying to boot my G5 into single user mode and then mount some external hard drives via an Adaptec 29160 SCSI card. I have some *nix experience and have done it previously with modprobe, but Darwin is a new beast for me. From other posts i found info about 'sudo kextstat' and found that...