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  1. ebolag4

    "George Bush our hero!"

    OK, here's the scoop on the whole "saved" thing. Let's just imagine for a moment this scenario: 1. There is a God. 2. He created everything, therefore He decides how everything works. 3. Since He decided how everything works, and since He decided that there was only one way to come to Him...
  2. ebolag4

    "George Bush our hero!"

    OK Ugg. I'm probably what most of you would call a "fundamentalist" Christian, and I don't believe that women shouldn't be able to vote, or that Muslims should be eliminated. I do, however, desire to see all people (Muslim or otherwise) saved. That is a "fundamental" part of my faith. If I don't...
  3. ebolag4

    "George Bush our hero!"

    I guess I'm just a narrow-minded war-monger then. I believe that so far the war has been a success. War, like pruning, is unfortunately sometimes necessary. Just as you must prune a rose bush for it to grow beautifully, sometimes so too must our world be. war is also somewhat like forging a...
  4. ebolag4

    What religion are you?

    100% Mainline Conservative Christian And it's good to read the boards again. Hope I get more time to come back and join the fun. Thanks for starting this thread Ed.
  5. ebolag4

    Register Here

    a Mac Plus to go with my 512K! That would be cool. maybe I could network them. . .
  6. ebolag4

    Frivilous Website

    Hey, everybody. I had some free web space that came with my broadband internet service, and some extra time. So, I made a really cheesy Mac oriented site and threw it up tonight. It's not the best work, but just something for fun. Don't know how long I'll mess with it. Tell me what you...
  7. ebolag4

    This cracked me up

    Bring back the ADB port!!!!!!!
  8. ebolag4

    Free OS X 10.2 for Teachers!!!

    Apple is giving OS X away to educators to prove how stable and useful it is. If you're a teacher, visit: Too bad I just bought a copy last week. Oh well, I can use a free copy.:D
  9. ebolag4

    Where can I find AtEase?

    Does anybody know where I can find a copy of AtEase to install on an older Mac? I know it's not really secure, and is easy to hack, but I'm just trying to keep a 3 yr. old and a 5 yr. old out of certain areas when they are playing games unsupervised. Thanks in advance.
  10. ebolag4

    MCSE for Macs?

    What about good ol' capitalist pig tendencies? Since MCSE is one the most demanded certs. in the IT field, it would make me more marketable than one of the other certs mentioned. I'd love to get OS X certified, but what can it really do for my career. What demand is out there for OS X certified...
  11. ebolag4

    MCSE for Macs?

    OK, now that I've gotten your attention with the thread subject line, here's my question. How many of you would become MCSE certified in order to land a higher paying job in order to be able to buy more and better Mac stuff? I'm seriously thinking about it.
  12. ebolag4

    Yet another stereotype for us the "Mac-Users"

    We have a sun?!?!?!?!?!:eek:
  13. ebolag4

    UNIX admin

  14. ebolag4

    I got to see Episode II today!

    Did anybody see the guy on TechTV who moved his entire web design business into a tent outside the theater so he could still work and be in line for Episode II? He had wireless T1 and everything. He had his OS X startup screen shown on national tv that said something like: "Mac OS X: because...
  15. ebolag4

    [HOWTO] - Setup PHP & MySQL

    Do I need to uninstall 4.2, or can I just install 4.1.2 right over it?
  16. ebolag4

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

    Matt, Keep it up man, and you have my prayers for your class. I, too, am in the same situation. I have so much at work to do and catch up on that I just don't have the time to properly give to this thread. Hopefully it can be a long term discussion. I also am a frequent sufferer of...
  17. ebolag4

    [HOWTO] - Setup PHP & MySQL

    OK, Now php does not work on either machine. I came to work this morning and php would not work on my iMac. The only new thing on the iMac is that I upgraded to 10.1.4. But I checked php out right after the install, and it still worked. Now it does not. My G4 tower was running 10.1.4 before I...
  18. ebolag4

    [HOWTO] - Setup PHP & MySQL

    Yoshi, I still cannot get php to run on my G4. I got it running on my iMac without any problems. On the tower I'm still getting the apache module started, but when I place any php files in the Sites folder, I still get the "not found" page.
  19. ebolag4

    Course Offerings

    Naaah. . . There's only enough money in the budget for software upgrades and new books this year. I'm not really all that impressed with the eMac anyway. We usually try to get towers on all our desks because of expandability. (Hey, cool! 100 posts. Don't we humans just love big round numbers?)
  20. ebolag4

    Why using MAC OS 9???

    I'm still using 9 because of my Adobe and Macromedia apps. I haven't scraped the money together yet to upgrade. I often book up into 9 so I don't have to deal with Classic. Not much longer though. Should be able to upgrade during the summer.