Search results

  1. marz

    Wireless Firewire?

    I liiiiiiiiiike Fire-Wireless .... :D
  2. marz

    Home NAS

    I've been looking for a mini NAS (Network Attached Storage) device that I could use at home, maybe around 120GB - to have an easy storage location on my home network to save my iPhotos and iMovies, and iTunes to. Outside of sharing a drive on a PC. I was wondering if anyone thought Apple...
  3. marz

    Web Photo Album app.?

    Although it might not be exactly what you're looking for, I like Coppermine Photo Gallery ( It's written in PHP, database driven, and customizable via templates. The problem I've always had with client based galleries like from iPhoto or Photoshop Elements, is that...
  4. marz

    Applecare doesn't cover batteries

    The reason they gave was that batteries are consumables... it's burried in the fine type ... while the main Applecare description type states that the coverage is "Comprehensive". Miriam-Webster's Dictionary defines "Comprehensive" as follows: Main Entry: com·pre·hen·sive Pronunciation...
  5. marz

    Applecare doesn't cover batteries

    Wow! What a revelation, after reading that others have had their battery replaced and that it was the main reason for buying Applecare, I went to the Apple Store today and was summarily told that my battery isn't covered. :mad: So I spent $349 for Applecare on my Powerbook for .... ???
  6. marz

    iBook - will Apple repair it?

    I have a dual USB G3 500 iBook, that has the dreaded backlight problem, the one with the video chip soldiering is the problem or some such thing. I've taken the thing apart, and reassembled it a couple of times, and admit that I had some screws leftover when I finished. It's out of warranty...
  7. marz

    PB HDD died - Will Applecare recover data?

    Thanks everyone for your input, we tried everything, even took the drive out and put it in an external firewire enclosure, but no go, just clicks ... it's on it's way to Apple now for repair (likely only hdd replacement) and they're going to send the dead drive back for us to send for data...
  8. marz

    PB HDD died - Will Applecare recover data?

    I have a TiBook G4 that's still under it's original 1-year warranty, but also has Applecare, the thing won't boot, the drive just makes a clicking noise. I've talked to Apple support, and they said I need to take it in to my Apple Store and they'll ship it out for repair. Does anyone have...
  9. marz

    iSync - update coming soon?

    Does anyone have any info on when we might see an update to iSync that would provide compatibility with some of the newer model devices, specifically some of the newer cell phones? I just purchased a Motorola V300 and would love the ability to sync my address book with my phone. Thanks!
  10. marz

    Dead iBook :(

    I had the same problem, just after the one year, and I didn't have applecare ... this design flaw will keep me from ever recommending an iBook to anyone!
  11. marz

    Reconnecting to Airport after sleep

    ummm, Cybergoober, is that really the link you meant to post?
  12. marz

    fink not working in X11 : (

    Did you install the updated X11 that's on disk 3? My X11 wouldn't launch after upgrade to 10.3, until I reinstalled it from disk 3.
  13. marz

    10.3 - automatic airport connect on on/wake

    For what it's worth, the problem I have, is that the network appears to be "fine" - meaning I have an IP address, looking at the network item in preferences shows it's got green little "light" that it's working, but no access to the internet. I can switch to static instead of dhcp and back and...
  14. marz

    WTB: Panther Dogtags

    Sweet! I could sell mine and my Panther mouse pad too and recoup some of the cost of this upgrade ;) Cha-ching!
  15. marz

    10.3 - automatic airport connect on on/wake

    I'm seeing some weird problems with networking in Panther too ... haven't narrowed it down completely, but I use both Airport and the built-in ethernet, switch back and forth, when it's on my desk the airport signal is pretty weak, so I go wired. Ever since I "upgraded" to Panther, the...
  16. marz

    HTML Editor in Panther?

    Somewhere I read someone saying that an old pre- 10.0 beta piece of software was back in Panther - that was an HTML code editor. I've installed the developer tools and looked around but not finding it, and can't locate the post where it was mentioned. Do I need to lay off the caffeine? :confused:
  17. marz

    How many iTunes songs have you bought?

    Probably between 30 and 40 songs, I killed my iTunes library moving it from an external firewire drive to my new 40gb internal drive on my powerbook, and when I reimported all my music, they don't appear in the Purchased Music playlist any more. Guess I'll have to search for aac files and...
  18. marz

    panther firewall problem

    Thanks! That worked for me...
  19. marz

    Just got Panther and WEIRD problem came up

    I had a simlilar problem last night after the install completed ... I did a release / renew on my IP and everything was working again ... weird.
  20. marz

    Sincronized folders

    I don't think CCC will do it, I tried the same thing yesterday, and CCC needs to work with local disks, I didn't see how I could use it with a network disk. I'm still looking for a solution too.