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  1. K

    Snow iMac got peed on!

    Post the pic, I'd love to see. As for actually helping with removal, I have no idea. My instinct says that the plastic is probably changed itself, and it's not a removable stain but don't hold me to that.
  2. K

    Apple Studio Display 17" CRT?

    Then why didn't you state that in the first place. I'm quite sure that Apple Studio Displays aren't capable of 1600x1200 at a higher refresh rate. It is not the fault of your video card but is a physical limitation of the monitor itself. I can't stand it either, so I just stick with 1280x1024 on...
  3. K

    "Services" submenu...

    Why use Grab when you can just press command-shift-3 for a whole screen shot or command-shift-4 to select a portion of the screen to capture? They [the services] only work in cocoa based apps if I remember correctly. I've never really tried them myself though...
  4. K

    10.2 When to Update?

    Do it. 10.2.1 is already out and that fixes a lot of bugs in 10.2, which I think people exagerated how many bugs were in it. It's definately a worthwhile upgrade.
  5. K

    os e"X"treme slow

    I agree, get 10.2. Do a clean install, not an upgrade. Your system will fly.
  6. K

    softwarebased DSL-router under osx

    How is your DSL connected to your G4? via Ethernet or USB or some other way? If it's not using your Ethernet port, you could just enable the built-in internet sharing that Jaguar has in the SHaring preference pane in System Preferences. Otherwise if your Ethernet port is your connection to the...
  7. K

    Apple Studio Display 17" CRT?

    I don't get what's the matter then, in the attached screen dump it shows 1600x1200 as an option, try clicking on it? heh...
  8. K

    AppleSystemProfiler command boots Classic!?#

    This just seems like a really really odd quirk in 10.2... I don't know why it'd even bother to look for the Classic version at all, and why they dumped the command-line version is beyond me...
  9. K

    Should I get 2 17s or 1 21...

    I'd go with the 2 17-inchers. Sure it's $100 more but you will get a lot more screen space than the single 20.4 incher, making it well worth it. LCD's do really have more space than a CRT of the same measurement, it's not just a made-up selling point.
  10. K

    17" Blue Apple Monitor (CRT)

    You may have better luck selling it if you try asking a bit less. I bought my entire B&W G3 with a matching blue 17" monitor like yours for $300...
  11. K

    Apple Studio Display 17" CRT?

    I have the old Blue and White 17" CRT Studio Display with my B&W Tower, I can run 1600x1200 and 1920x1080 and that's just with the stock Rage 128 in my tower... You should be able to get those resolutions as well on your monitor.
  12. K

    AppleSystemProfiler command boots Classic!?#

    I just typed 'AppleSystemProfiler' in a new Terminal window, so it was in my home directory. This command should just list my system profile in the Terminal window shouldn't it?
  13. K

    AppleSystemProfiler command boots Classic!?#

    OK i just tried to run the command 'AppleSystemProfiler' in Terminal and it started launching Classic and the classic version of Apple System Profiler. What the hell is going on?, it shouldn't do that, should it?
  14. K

    Virtual PC on the cheap...

    You could just buy a semi-old PC for really cheap and use that, it'll run at the same speed as anything you put in VirtualPC unless you got a blazing fast Mac system. Check out your local thrift store, they probably got some old hunk-o-junk that'd work just fine for opening text-files. Though I...
  15. K

    where to get G3 heatsink/fan?

    I own a 350mhz B&W G3 tower I had overclocked to 400mhz for a few months sucessfully, not a single hitch. Today I've decided to try and push it to 450mhz, upgrade cards are just too expensive for the relatively small benefit they provide over me just overclocking the stock CPU card. But before I...
  16. K

    Final Cut Pro 3 won't install in Jaguar!

    I tried to install Final Cut Pro 3 last night on my G3 tower running 10.2.1. The installer started up and when I told it to start installing it showed the progress bar but didn't install a single file and the application stoppped responding! I ended up having to force-quit it. It used to work...
  17. K

    31.49Gb = 121.0Gb??

    Perhaps the jumpers on it are set to limit the drive capacity? Many hard drives have this, you should check it, usually instructions for this are given on the label of the HD.
  18. K

    Military Time?

    Open System Preferences, click the 'International" prefPane, click the 'Time' tab in it, select 12-hour time.
  19. K

    How will we install classic?

    uhhh boot Classic off the installation CD, install it, restart Classic, selecting the new OS 9 System Folder.
  20. K

    Powerbook Versus This!

    Wow I hope you really enjoy that giant piece of crap. It costs less because it's crap. It looks ugly. It'll burn you, probably melt itself lol. And it's not a Mac. Have fun with Windows. Really. I don't think you deserve your nickname.