Search results

  1. C

    imagemagick install

    If you need the rpm command, you'd have to install it - this isn't standard on OS X. You can also install imagemagick (with or without X11 interface) using i-Installer. Although this is mainly used for installing TeX/LaTeX stuff, the packages are independent. You wouldn't have to install the...
  2. C

    Controlling from the command line

    You might be interested in some of the following: 1) osxutils (from sourceforge) 2) Platypus 3) CocoaDialog 4) Growl (including the SDK so you can send notifications from CLI scripts etc., with growlctl and growlnotify) 5) xattr (see MacPorts if you can't find this - but you can install it...
  3. C

    Blue Screen of Death?

    Take out the new ram. If you replaced previous ram with it, put the old ram back. Otherwise, if you just added ram, leave it out. See if that makes a difference - if it does, it is a problem with the ram. Of course, if you were replacing the ram to fix a problem, this may not be an option. You...
  4. C

    osx 10.3.9 finder crashed please help!!!!!

    If the errors are occuring while in single user-mode, it isn't a permissions/ownership issue. I think it is because you have to mount the system in order to make changes to it. When you first boot into single user mode, you'll get a message saying something to the effect that fsck has not been...
  5. C

    How does Licence work for OSX?

    It is also perfectly legal to reinstall OS X on your computer (provided you haven't installed it on other computers etc. etc.). The reason you get OS X install disks as well as a pre-installed version is to enable you to reinstall the OS if you need to. You're still using the OS on a single...
  6. C


    But it might well have come with *Panther* rather than Tiger... - cfr
  7. C

    some files do not appear on mac...need help!!!

    I'm not sure about this, but you *might* be able to access more files from the command line (using Terminal) if you don't mind the unix. Otherwise, you could have Finder show invisible files. (TinkerTool will let you set this if you don't want to use the terminal - it is a freeware preference...
  8. C

    configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables

    crt1.o is in /usr/lib on OS X, too. I don't think this is necessarily causing the error, but the configure script appears to be using gcc -V to get the version of gcc. At least on OS X, this has to be gcc -v The former is used not to establish the version, but to specify a version if, say...
  9. C

    copy ssh

    You need to either tell Finder to show invisible files, or look at the CD using Terminal (Applications/Utilities/Terminal). $ cd /Volumes $ ls (listing of the different volumes) $ cd whatever Look around. I'm not sure quite where it will be, but you can use the find command if necessary. $ man...
  10. C

    Changing user accounts via Unix commands

    Have you looked through the manpages for managing netinfo data? $ apropos netinfo will give you a reasonable list to start with. You might want to begin my looking at niutil: $ man niutil How to do it - and how best to do it - depends slightly on your system setup. If the machines are using...
  11. C

    (probably) Dumb question for starter

    This will only work if /opt/local/bin and /opt/local/sbin have already been added to path. If you've installed DarwinPorts, for example. The result given by barhar is not standard and not what most users would get. (My path does not have opt in it and this directory does not, indeed, exist on my...
  12. C

    Changing PATH for root user?

    The default shell for root is /bin/sh not bin/bash. You can still set the root account up with a customised environment, but you need to do it for the sh shell. You don't need to put the files in root's home directory, though. It's enough to have a suitable set-up in your home directory. My...
  13. C

    StartupItems daemon

    I'm not sure if this is everything, but a couple of things off the top of my head: For the script DDCLIENT: 1) Remove the & from the line "/usr/sbin/ddclient &" 2) Add RunService "$1" at the end of the file. Also: 3) The script just gives StartService, but the plist file says it should give...
  14. C

    Controlling from the command line

    Have you tried with Chicken of the There are other possible combinations. This does let you do what I think you want to do although the solution isn't perfect: (i) you need to use the command line to start the session and then connect to it with Chicken - I haven't managed to...
  15. C

    (probably) Dumb question for starter

    It is not a good idea to install your own scripts with sudo while you are experimenting. In any case, you should not install non-system scripts in /usr/sbin or /usr/bin (or /bin or /sbin). Non-system installations usually go in /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/sbin. For your own scripts, though, it...
  16. C

    x11 on 10.4.6

    I don't think you can install the Panther version on Tiger. I think it will fail. On the other hand, I think the installer will simply tell you this...
  17. C

    Can't install X11: Says already installed?

    You may be trying to install the wrong version of X11. If you have version 10.4+ of OS X, the X11 package is not available for download. You need to install it from the DVD install disk that came with the OS. It doesn't get installed by default, though. You need to use the "Optional Installs"...
  18. C

    unace installation problems

    OK. So, assuming the install went as it should, you've installed a command in /usr/local/bin. I assume you know that this is a command line tool, which means that you need to use the Terminal application to use it. You can find this in the Utilities folder, which is inside your Applications...