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  1. S

    HELP! anyone knows how to setup DNS

    Someone told me that a network can be verry slow if you do not edit the dns-settings. But how do i do that?? he told me that can be done with a text editor.
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    Apple & Jaquar can go to @!&%

    I had problems installing osx on a G3 desktop. the installer didn't want to install the software on my drive. It turned out that the harddisk was to big (20 Gb) and i had to partition it to a 8 Gb drive. Then the installer did its job an installed the software. So now i have a system disk...
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    DNS settings OSX (server)

    Someony told me that the DNS settings are wrong at OSX (a UNIX problem he says) Is this true, and do i have to correct this with a text-editor?? The problem is, i don't understand what and where i have to change this settings. Our Network is verry slow and this guy told me that incorrect DNS...
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    dissapearing files on NT4 server

    I've upgraded to OSX 10.2 and now i can not copy or open any files from the Windows NT 4 server. When i click on a file, it just dissapears. when i look with other computers running OS 9, the files are still there. But OSX 10.2 only sees them when i disconnect and then re-connect to the...
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    new radiostation in iTunes

    thank you all for your reply. i've got it working. not a lot of mp3 streams here in the Netherlands though is there maybe a way to put other streams in iTunes. Like mediaplayer or realplayer streams??
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    new radiostation in iTunes

    I want to add a new radio station in iTunes. I've got the url an can listen to it, but how can i add it to a playlist or to the tuner?? I've realy got no idea
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    siemens mobile and apple TiBook

    Hello, Is there anyone who can tell me how to send faxes with my TiBook Using a Siemens S45 mobile?? I can connect to the internet with it but FAXstf™ X doesn't recognise it as a faxmodem. :(
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    Phone calls with modem

    I'm trying to make a phone call from my mac to a regular phone. using a modem and a phone line Is this possable? I'm still trying to get empower phone to work. Maybe it doesn't work because i'm behind a firewall.
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    Phone calls with modem

    Is there a program to make phone calls with the modem I have a TiBook with MacOsX
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    connecting TiBook with Siemens S45 mobile

    Man, it realy works Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Now i'm realy mobile. :) :) :) :D :) :) :)
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    From 100% to 0% in 37 minutes

    I've got the same here with my G4 TiBook 400mhz And i'm trying to find a sollution too. As long as i don't use de dvd player the battery lasts u for 3,5 hour. But with the dvd inserted the barrery works only for 1,5 hour (for the most) :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused...
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    connecting TiBook with Siemens S45 mobile

    Does anybody knows how to use the infrared-port from my Siemens S45 Mobile phone. Siemens does not have any drivers for it to function. I want to try to use it as a modem to send fax-pages and little e-mails I've seen a connector from Digicom trough USB to connect my mobile to my TiBook...
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    Ok DISSAPOINTED (new ibook)

    I've got my TiBook last summer with everything pre-installed. But with no OSX. Someone at work got his ibook at the same time as i got my TiBook and when he turned the computer on the first time, the computer asked for the cd's as you discribe. And he has OS9 and OSX installed. So here in...
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    TiBook getting HOT!!!

    The battery is better now. I've worked with it until the computer turns himselve in sleep to save the memory before i charge him again. Know i can work for 3.25 hours with the battery. accept when i use the dvd-player. this cuts the time by 1 hour. I have ordered a new battery, so i can...
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    TiBook getting HOT!!!

    The bottem near the processor is getting verry hot. it seems that this occures when the processor has a lot to work. like watching a dvd-movie, playing a game like tombraider or heavy photoshop calculations. and i've charged it the first time and then worked with it until the computer...
  16. S

    TiBook getting HOT!!!

    Hello, My TiBook is getting realy hot when i'm playing/working with it. sometimes i can't even touch the bottem, so hot. is this normal?? Also it seems like my battery is getting faster empty. When i've got it new, it last up for 3 / 3,5 hours. But now only 2 hours. Is this because...