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  1. Salvo


    In Australia, we have a Preferential Ballot, where if you're first preference doesn't get in, your Vote get's allocated to your Second Preference, and so on... For this reason, I can Vote for an Independent or Minor Party and not "Throw Away My Vote". Unfortunately, Voters aren't educated on...
  2. Salvo

    Ichatav - User Names

    AIM/ICQ:salvoxdan MSN:
  3. Salvo

    Http/webmail for

    Not that I'm aware of, Yahoo! Mail does have POP access, though, which you can use in ... You have to activate POP Access in Y! first though. Mail Options > POP Access and Forwarding > Web and POP Access (Submit) Then Click through all the Legal Crap and Deselect all the JunkMail...
  4. Salvo

    Your Mac accidents

    my trusty iBook copped an entire cup of Latté into the keyboard once. I pulled the battery, lifted the keyboard panel and pulled the AirPort and RAM and mopped up as much as possible. The Trackpad was a bit sticky afterwards, but that got cleaned up by the AppleCentre guys when they replaced the...
  5. Salvo

    How can I watch an AVI file?

    The AVI in question is buggy and has incorrect headers, meaning that Quicktime can't tell that there is audio. The Video played well with the 3ivx Codec from but DivX Doctor fell over whilst trying to doctor the AVI to something with sound. See if your Windows Friend can...
  6. Salvo

    Finally found the world's biggest idiot! (PC'ing his G5...)

    Having been a PC Modder, and spending severaly hundred dollars on cooling equipment and rice, when I could've spent the same money upgrading the CPU. I kind of know why this kid would've done it. However, He is still a complete Git. A few years ago, someone in my Modders Group had is Blue &...
  7. Salvo

    Rio announces 4GB MP3 Player, same price as iPod Mini

    Why would Apple lower the price? Rio Player: manufacturered by Company which has been Bought/Sold/Bought/Sold half a dozen times in the last year, Not Renound for thier high quality of Manufacture iPod: manufactured by a stable Company and Integrated with The Best Software Music Player on any...
  8. Salvo

    Nano iPods! (comic)

    That Comic is so Lame, I don't I'll ever be able to walk again!
  9. Salvo on your desktop :)

    My desktop is cluttered enough with the still image of my favourite webcomic character, my mounted disks, all the downloads I haven't filed away yet and, the folders of downloads I have partially filed away. Why would I wanrt to put a Webpage on there two? ;)
  10. Salvo

    Wheel mouse in Appleworks

    I remember using ClarisWorks in Windows3.1. Shortly after that moment-in-time, The Claris Guys sold everything (ClarisWorks and FileMaker) to Apple and wen't thier separate ways. Most formed GoBe, to provide Software for BeOS. Thier Office Package, GoBe...
  11. Salvo

    what's the skinny on 10.4?

    I don't mean to harp on, but BeOS was definately 2. Intuitive and 3. Powerful. There was a Filetype Preference panel which could facilitate the creation of new Mime Types, you could add and remove file compatability from Apps (using the File System Attributes) and you could customise Associated...
  12. Salvo

    what's the skinny on 10.4?

    Scot Hacker, the BeOS Geek has a good argument about a better way to do File-associations. Having come from BeOS to MacOSX myself, I agree with him on all counts. My biggest gripe with MacOSX is when I download something from another Mac User...
  13. Salvo

    Help me finding the perfect word processor

    DocType. This is a Document Markup Language, similar to HTML, but less formatting, more plain markup. You then use the Doctype formatting tools, and a stylesheet, to convert it to LaTeX (and TeX), HTML, PostScript, PDF or even Troff. I wrote an essay on Alternative Desktop Interfaces about 5...
  14. Salvo

    Hexadecimal HTML entities

    I tried posting with Camino and IE. Same problem. The problem resides in the PHP code which evaluates special characters. If you type in characters that the vBulletin doesn't recognise, it translates them to question marks. If you type in the Decimal Entity codes, or textual entity codes, it...
  15. Salvo

    Hexadecimal HTML entities

    I tried posting with Camino and IE. Same problem. The problem resides in the PHP code which evaluates special characters. If you type in characters that the vBulletin doesn't recognise, it translates them to question marks. If you type in the Decimal Entity codes, or textual entity codes, it...
  16. Salvo

    Hexadecimal HTML entities

    It's not that; it's just when you try to enter an Apersand (&), followed by a Hash Symbol (or Pound Symbol for you Yanks), three digit decimal number and ending in a semicolon, it evaluates the entity, but when you try to enter an Apersand, Hash Symbol, x, 4 digit hexadecimal number and...
  17. Salvo

    Laptop Stands: iCurve, iPerch, or ?

    If you want something cheaper, my money would go towards the MacMice iBreeze. Not much more expensive than an IceStation, and comes with cooling fans and USB Hub. Just need to get it that little bit higher... Couple of Phone books would do the trick :)
  18. Salvo

    Hexadecimal HTML entities

    Is there any way to represent these characters, without resorting to embedding a tiny bitmap?
  19. Salvo

    what's the skinny on 10.4?

    HFS+ does support Metadata, it was designed by Dominic, to incorporate all the great features of the Be File System. The Fact that the API's do not support this feature doesn't mean it isn't in existance. I think that's what we're looking forward to. One thing BeOS lacked however was a...
  20. Salvo

    Hexadecimal HTML entities

    Is there a way to display Hexadecimal HTML entities in the Forums? Specifically, Mac Specific ones like;The Command Key Symbol ⌘ The Option Key Symbol ⎇ The Return Key Symbol ⏎ The Apple, Eject and Tab symbols would be nice, but not as necessary as the above three...