DeltaMac said:
Apple hasn't seriously updated AppleWorks since well before it was called AppleWorks (ClarisWorks name changed to AppleWorks in '98?) Of course, there's still history here, ClarisWorks was the renamed AppleWorks back in the '80s. What's old is new again!
I remember using ClarisWorks in Windows3.1.
Shortly after that moment-in-time, The Claris Guys sold everything (ClarisWorks and FileMaker) to Apple and wen't thier separate ways. Most formed GoBe, to provide Software for BeOS.
Thier Office Package, GoBe Productive was a mighty fine Works Package, although not exactly WordPerfect. It also didn't really "Fit" in BeOS.
Now Productive has been ported to Windows and is in the process of being ported to Linux. It will be sold commercially.
Once again I don't think Productive will "Fit" in any X11 Environment, and will be in direct competition with OpenOffice (if they use Motif) or AbiWord/Gnumeric (if they use GTK+). I can then see them abandoning *BSD and GNU/Linux Support and looking at Solaris and MacOSX. It'll still be X11-based.
If MacOSX users (including such BeOS Luminaries like Scot Hacker and Eugenia Loli-Queru (who both use MacOSX as thier main desktop Machines), to name a few) could lobby GoBe to divert development from Linux to MacOSX/Cocoa, we *could* end up with a nice up-to-date Native Cocoa Office Works Suite.
Then again, if Apple got interested in AppleWorks again, all that work would be in vain