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  1. StarScream

    Running 6C75 here...

    Hello Does that mean that you can run a software router with the new build in internet sharing ???!!! That would be verry cool i need that app :)
  2. StarScream

    10.1.5:Rage LT ?

    Hello, My Mother has a iMac 266 with rage Pro and i installed 10.1.5 and its unbelievble faster... its no G4 but its fast for a old Mac :) 1.....Windows drawing is fast 2.....AniAliasing works :-) G r e a t J o B A P P L E ! ! ! BytheWay she has 192 MB memory
  3. StarScream


    Hello all, I use daily ipnetrouter for my network to share my ADSL connection. but i want to turn to OS X (PPC 9600 with G3 300 ) but ipnetrouter for OS X is not availble ? are there other programs for routing ?
  4. StarScream

    i need a Emagic Ethernet driver driver

    Thanx for the Tip it worked !!!! its a pci10ec,8139 driver i found it with Google.... Thanx fo the tip
  5. StarScream

    i need a Emagic Ethernet driver driver

    Hello all :) I have sucsesfully installed OS X on my Lagacy PPC 9600 with a G3 upgrade card.. I want to turn my PPC to a OSX server :) but i have one problem .. I need a driver for my PCI Ethernetcard from Emagic where the heck can i find one?... Thanx in advance :)
  6. StarScream

    Someone try jaguar?

    I have Jaguar too And i have found a new icon when you eject the cd.. Overal Performance is Fantastic . I have A G4 400 2xAGP
  7. StarScream

    New iMac for my mother

    thanx for the awnser :) Yes the Apple resseller store is 10 minutes from my house so i can see the machine first thanx for the tip !!!
  8. StarScream

    New iMac for my mother

    Hi all, I am going to buy the new iMac 700 , for my mother. but i have one question what is the change to get a dead pixel / ore is this problem solved by Apple ??? Thanx for reading this post !! Greetingz from Holland :) :) :) :)
  9. StarScream

    Do You Pay For Shareware?

    i always use the App Serial Surfers :)
  10. StarScream

    ?tv tuner card os x

    Hi there, There are at the moment only external Tv-cards ( FIRE-Wire ! )from Formac with OS X support . but there verry expensive € 600,- euro's in Europe i dont know how much in the USA ?
  11. StarScream

    New eMac!!!

    If you are not a student you cant buy it ??? :( The iMac with LCD is too expensive . But what is the price of the New CRT eMac ? if its cheaper i want to have one for my mother :)
  12. StarScream

    MacOS X CD NOT boot on IBM PC

  13. StarScream

    Is your son a hacker!!!!!!!What the f***?

    This must be a Joke !! The Man is a stupid paranoid dumb ass !!!! hilarius !! hahahahahahahahahah
  14. StarScream

    Wolfenstein Website!

    Cool Website ! Where can i find extra levels ?? ( maps ) the game isnt out yet in europe :(
  15. StarScream

    MAC OS X Performance

    I Have also Got a G4 400 ( AGP ) with 512 MB Ram and i have no problems with OS 10.1.3. My system is realy fast :D
  16. StarScream

    iPod as Pirates little Helper :D

    Cool !!! Pirates Cool Hardware ! Lool at this link :,2125,50688,00.html
  17. StarScream

    How old are you?

    i am 25 i was born on 20 juli 1976
  18. StarScream

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    Ar3e you running Bleu box in NeXtstep ?
  19. StarScream

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    Thanx RacerX for the Link :-) Look here are the Screenshots of NeXt/openSteP 4.2 there are many features that are alike of Mac OS X even the spinning ball !!