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  1. D

    New mac...which one?

    I would NOT buy a 17" powerbook just because it has a display if you plan on using it for desktop. It is WAY to expensive for that. You could get so much more for that money. Get a G5 i'd say and if you can, just pick up a CRT monitor 17". LCD's are still wildly expensive and flat screen 17"...
  2. D

    Does the warranty/applecare cover broken LCDs?

    I would call applecare. If you have the warrenty. But if you don't I don't think you can just buy it for that reason. Apple is really understanding ont he phone and has great people working for them. I'm sure if you genuinely explain the situation they might be able to do something you never...
  3. D Music Store (the mighty merging of 3 threads)

    I can't wait till the next steve jobs keynote where he plays the ads and then hears a round of boos. Then he announces iTMS for windows, annoucnes it available internationally, boasts that all record labels are now on board, boasts the simplicity and ease of use, then shows ads showing...
  4. D Music Store (the mighty merging of 3 threads)

    Well i'd rather have a 99 cent great sounding 128k AAC file from the music store rather then a 128 Windows Media file that is most often worse quality then what is floating on gnutella networks. I just love the iPod and music store. The synchronization is so awesome. For example I wanted a...
  5. D

    Take that Adobe!

    I still can't get used to FCP over premiere. and FCP needs a powerful computer to do anything. Can't even watch stuff in the FCP timeline that you edit you have to render it! In premiere you can just see it edited (this means no filters or transitions applied just cut up). So i'm sticking with...
  6. D

    Attention Mac Pirates...

    Please don't generalize students. I think the software prices are way to high. I don't drink every night and drop money on cds like you say.. I have STUDENT LOANS that i'm saving to pay for. Some students don't spend time wasting money drinking, pirating, and dropping money on cds (by the...
  7. D

    Will you stop sharing as a result of RIAA act?

    Sorry its illegal. hehe. I really don't think its legal either to let thousands of people use your house. Manager of the area would be concerned :p
  8. D

    Download music and prepare to pay..Starting 25Jun03

    Artists do that. Check out But you can't get your music out to the world on your own. Thats why the record companies. Its a fact of life. Record companies control music and its distribution and it won't be changing in this lifetime. An artist trying to sell his/her/their songs...
  9. D

    Free Retail Copy of Panther?!

    my mom got snow imac and got jag for 20 clams.. did not have to use coupon just put in serial number of comp on the web and it was 20 bucks instead of 129.
  10. D

    Will you stop sharing as a result of RIAA act?

    Not sure but I believe RIAA has international rights over its property, meaning they could file and put motions in courts in other countries.
  11. D

    Will you stop sharing as a result of RIAA act?

    I was wondering the results of this.
  12. D

    Download music and prepare to pay..Starting 25Jun03

    If you share music on any of the networks: Kazaa Grokster Limewire Gnutella Networks I suggest removing shared files. Yes it might not be very likely you get tagged but its possible. If you are, its terrible. I'm trusting the RIAA on this one. I'm sure they will deliver on this...
  13. D

    Nice article about the G5's Design With Ive Article here. :p
  14. D


    Was it just me or was anyone else getting annoyed with Steve's happy use of "kick-ass" to describe everything. Its like he found a new word or something. Got on my nerves after the 50th time.:cool:
  15. D

    iPod software 2.0.1

    I believe that it is the mp3 that is the problem not the iPod. Even though iTunes will play it, iPod won't. Try to rerip the song.
  16. D

    iPod software 2.0.1

    Well I do notice that when you first push a button to take ipod out of sleep it turns on. Why? I just want the backlight to come on when i push and hold down menu and stay on while i'm clicking through looking for songs. Why is that so hard? Just like my cell phone does! Come on. This update...
  17. D

    iPod software 2.0.1

    Cool. Thank you very much for the heads up! Its not coming on my software update yet. Well the clicks are gone! YAY! I'm very glad those were so annoying. Backlight works like its supposed to. (ie set it to 'always on' and when you engage it to be on it doesn't just auto shut off until you...
  18. D

    Internet Explorer 5.2.3 is available

    I will use it until apple has a browser that isn't in beta and actually works with all sites I go to.
  19. D

    Fed up with Versiontracker

    yea versiontracker is pissing me off too. There recent redesign was garbage. People went stark raving mad. Mac Update is going to take over soon. I am not going to pay someone for "links".
  20. D

    new iPod on-the-go playlists are USELESS!!!

    I hate to be the devil's advocate here, but I think that using the iPod to organize your music with on-the-go playlists was not apples intention. The created it with the idea that you know what songs are what and just want to quickly add them to the playlist so you can basically make a...