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  1. Arden word association!

    Trevor (Everybody loves magical Trevor...)
  2. Arden

    Interview the person beneath you

    ... then the janitor would have a very big cleanup. ::alien:: Left wing, right wing or left-turn lane (right turn in UK, Australia and Japan)? I'm a leftie politically (and a righty physically).
  3. Arden

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    What forum is that? Sogni, my car could catch up to your bike in an instant. And your wrestling buddy is my buddy, too. So you had better come up with a better plan or you'll have sore ears for a few days. :rolleyes: Dark: My sister complains when I type loudly, and it wakes her. I wish...
  4. Arden

    known_hosts "E=" ?

    What happens if you comment it out, or delete it altogether? If your computer goes up in flames because of my advice, I'll buy you a new one. ;)
  5. Arden word association!

  6. Arden

    Mac mini

    Ripcord, haven't you seen the movie of how to open up the case? You have to use a putty knife (or something similar, I imagine) to pry the case apart, though it doesn't seem to give too much resistance.
  7. Arden

    iWork '05 CD vs iWork '05 DVD

    I would imagine the CD version is for people who can't read DVD's and the DVD version is for people who want both applications on one installer CD.
  8. Arden

    iBook won't go to sleep properly

    Is the iBook on when you open it up? Does it stay asleep when you choose "sleep" from the Apple menu and close it? That sound is the hard drive, as you won't hear anything from the optical drive unless there is a disc inside. You may want to call Apple and tell them your problem and say...
  9. Arden word association!

  10. Arden

    The Question-Question Thread

    Can you possibly live with yourself for grouping Abba into the metal category, you heathen?
  11. Arden

    How do I make a font?

    Here's one. And here's another! Omigawd! :)
  12. Arden

    Web Dev tools on a new iBook

    Transmit is arguably the best FTP client ever programmed for the Mac. But there are a number of others out there, like Fetch or Cyberduck. As far as editors go, SubEthaEdit is one of the best; BBEdit costs a pretty penny, but it has a built-in FTP client and is still very powerful. Smultron...
  13. Arden

    Wanna try Spotlight before Tiger ?

    Is that like Microsoft releasing all the various cool new pieces of Longhorn for XP? I think I'll wait until Tiger... and my yummy iMac...
  14. Arden

    Who's Getting The New PB?

    Um, yeah. Tiger is a lot quicker than Panther from what I've heard.
  15. Arden

    Mac Mini RAM

    Yes, they use the exact same RAM.
  16. Arden

    The Question-Question Thread

    Do you think I'd be offended either way?
  17. Arden

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Yes, but mine are currently rather ongoing and very frustrating... you'll understand when I actually rant and rave about them (since ranting and raving online requires massive keyboard abuse). Hopefully, they will be solved by a new iMac sometime soon...
  18. Arden

    The Question-Question Thread

    Why am I so popular on these boards? :confused: :p
  19. Arden word association!

    Indeed... it seems the devastation suffered on the East Coast of the US has been forgotten amid the devestation suffered in Asia! Tsunami
  20. Arden

    Second Term - JibJab

    What, Gov. McGreevy shouting "I'm gay!" didn't make you laugh? :) I also like Political Bohemian Rhapsody, though it's about as old as DC.