Wanna try Spotlight before Tiger ?


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
http://www.blinkx.com has a software very similar to Spotlight that does not need Tiger !!!
blinkx changes the rules of search by bringing you relevant information before you even ask. blinkx changes the way you interact with all kinds of information by reading the content on your computer screen and automatically linking you to related information - Web sites, the latest news on the Web, even documents and email on your computer.
DanTekGeek said:
Im content with quicksilver.

I find myself preferring QuickSilver to Spotlight. At least Spotlight as it is in build 8A323. More a compliment to QuickSilver than a slight of Spotlight though. I have a feeling I will use both, just for different purposes.
Is that like Microsoft releasing all the various cool new pieces of Longhorn for XP? I think I'll wait until Tiger... and my yummy iMac...