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  1. C

    Give me my free iTunes tunes back!

    I once had to restore World Book from the restore CDs, and this worked: just copy all the .dmg files to your hard drive, and open the first one. You'll get an image disk of your HD when you first bought your computer, and there you may copy the mp3 files. However, I don't remember having free...
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    Password Problem!

    Have you tried booting from the OS X CD?
  3. C

    Anyone know anything about the U2 iPod??

    Rumors say it's gonna be announced tomorrow (October 26th)
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    Policy on Warez, Serialz, and P2P Discussions

    I was just adding a point to that P2P thing. If the forum administrators don't want to hear about it here it's their forum so we have to comply. What I was wondering is whether that was against P2P or against illegal downloading.
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    Policy on Warez, Serialz, and P2P Discussions

    P2Ps are perfectly legal, and downloading mp3s from them is not illegal in Canada Supreme Court said. So personally, I may be asking for a P2P to do stuff that is NOT illegal. So unless someone specifically asks "What P2P is the best to find mac softwares" he shoudn't be banned.
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    Jokes - thread (for saving your day)

    Found this one on the web: On a tour of Florida, the Pope took a couple of days off to visit the coast for some sightseeing. He was cruising along the beach in the Popemobile when there was a frantic commotion just off shore. A helpless man, wearing a pinstriped Yankees jersey, was...
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    Wireless TV

    Hi everyone, I don't have cable TV in my house, and I'd like to get it. However, no wires were installed when the house was built and I'd like to avoid the troubles of installing them. I know there are new LCD TVs that have use the 802.11(b or g???) technology but is there anything equivalent...
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    Troll bait: Anyone seen the new G5 petition?

    Add me to the list of those who will not sign the petition against petition.
  9. C

    why is there a USB port and a PS2?

    My friend has a headset to plug in the USB port. I've heard you can plug any keyboard (USB of course) for some emulation of the BBC Micro system (I don't know what it is...) maybe you can use it on those Commodore 64 emulators too. Try this link:
  10. C

    Apple Pro Speaker problem

    Hi guapagirl The problem is still there... but they work well outside of that, and I can't hear the noise anymore, I got used to it... If your speaker is not working at all, then we don't have the same problem...
  11. C

    What's my system worth?

    Try not to sell when there are many available as it will sell for less.
  12. C

    Airport Express question

    Yes I wanted to know if it would replace the installation of wires through the house because the computers are too old for wireless technology. Also just a thing that would be cool with wireless and iTunes would be an iTunes compatible stereo system, just like another copy of iTunes it would...
  13. C

    Airport Express question

    Well you need wires for the router or the switch, all I needed was a wireless card for the old computers, since I already have a wireless network on for my iMac and iBook, I just think it's great since you do not have to buy a card, it can be used on every model of computers. Anyways, it's...
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    iTMS Europe on June 15

    Hey Apple: it's ITMS or Poisoned so hurry up. All online music resellers in Canada use Windoze Media...
  15. C

    Airport Express question

    With Airport Express, do I understand I don't need an airport card to connect any computer, just an ethernet port? So if I understand well, my father could use my wireless network with his old PowerBook G3 Series or Performa 5215CD just by plugging the Airport Express base station wherever he...
  16. C

    Air or Wire?

    I use 802.11b (original Airport card) and it is the same on the web, however, on file transfers, I only get 100 K/sec instead of 500k/sec with the ethernet cable. 802.11g (Airport Extreme) should be a lot faster and may be the same. Please note that I do not have an Apple Airport base but a...
  17. C

    What's my system worth?

    I don't know how it is worth but if you're planning to sell it, try classified ads at a high price instead of auctions like eBay, where they sell for less. For example, I paid US$380 for an iBook 366, 320 MB RAM, 4,6 GB Graphite, a good deal on eBay at that time. They sold for CA$1000...
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    S.M.A.R.T. Self-Checks Failing

    Yep bobw is right, backup your data before it dies...
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    Third Party Flat Panel Displays and Radeon

    Don't forget a thing, the cheaper you pay, the less quality you get (ie. dead pixels will already be there or will quickly appear).
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    HDI-30 question

    After a discussion on Apple's forum, we came to the conclusion that the pin #1 (bottom-right) had to be removed. The drive works pretty well... just in case someone's interested...