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  1. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    Well, from surveys I've seen recently, including that one, it seemed people in America thought Kerry would do a better job than Bush in Iraq. I guess in terms of wider middle east peace then it's not so clear as to who Americans think would be better at the job.
  2. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    Sorry, I'm just going by repots I've read (from many sources). From what I've read, people were asked when leaving the polls as to what the most important factor was when choosing who they were going to vote for in the presidential election. The choices given were: moral values, terrorism...
  3. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    Ha ha, how do you think the rest of the world feels. At least we don't bomb you if we don't like your president. ;) Yet. :p
  4. L

    Digital voting - good or bad?

    A little comedy:
  5. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    Indeed, and sometimes it helps if you don't. I'm sorry if I sound like I'm attacking the US. I'm not, I merely attacking the Bush administration, and the people who believe they are doing a good job (both in America and abroad), and who share their views on certain issues. Oh, and grep, I...
  6. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    No he doesn't (and that applies to all your accusations in that quote)
  7. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    I find it very amusing, and very worrying, that a seemingly quite large number of people in America are more concerned about stopping two people from getting married, or about stopping women having freedom of choice, than they are in, having a job, or progressing peace and stability in the...
  8. L

    Post Election - Chaos?

    so, have the riots started yet???
  9. L

    Post Election - Chaos?

  10. L

    Now that G5 iMacs have been received...
  11. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    :D :D :D :D :eek: :rolleyes: :mad:
  12. L

    Post Election - Chaos?

    Yeah, but at least you don't look like a flaccid penis.
  13. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    Yes, common sense dictates that English is the generally adopted language of the United States of America; However, that does not make it the official language. The USA officially has no official language. That's where it gets that from, he gets it from the fact that it is a fact. Several...
  14. L

    AppleScript running VERY slowly

    OK, I wanted to wrtie an AppleScript that would allow me to send a dispatch email to people who had bought items from me through the Amazon Marketplace. What I wanted was a script that allowed me to select one or more emails, run the script, and it would reply to the selected emails with a...
  15. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    Why? Sorry, I just don't understand why you had "better know the national language" of the country you live in. The person you're most disadvantaging if you don't is yourself, why "must" you know the language? I think you should learn the language, it would be a massive benefit to...
  16. L

    Post Election - Chaos?

    He said he was going to catch Osama Bin Laden, umm...?? Is doing what you say you're going to do a good thing anyway. If I say I'm going to kill you, and then do, is that better than if I say I'm going to kill you, and then I don't? or admit he made a mistake, or was mislead or...
  17. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    No it's being applied to all groups of people who don't speak English, most of these I suspect would not be American (assuming by English you mean American-English, as otherwise it would include ALL Americans too ;)) Something doesn't have to be aimed at any one particular group to be racist...
  18. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

  19. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    :D :eek: :eek: :( Colour is an aspect of race, but it isn't the start and finish. A British person attacking a French person (verbally, physically or otherwise) because they are French...