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  1. I

    Mailbox is locked error???

    I really can't wait until we have a powerful alternative to It's cute and all, but buggy as all hell. I like to same all of my emails - at least the ones that aren't junk - in my Read Mail folder. But, my system seems to hang FOREVER when I click on it with it is "Comparing notes...
  2. I

    Where's the

    Is it just me, or did not get bundled with the newest release of Fire (0.16)? I have downloaded it twice, decompressed it twice, and still, all I get is the application resources with NO .app file!! Is anyone having this same problem? Jordan
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    This can all be fixed...

    That is actually the thread I had intended to respond to... but I accidentally created a new topic instead. Sorry!
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    This can all be fixed...

    Okay, all these dock problems can be fixed by simply giving the user more power to play with it. Mainly, I mean, the user should be able to drag DIRECTORIES to the dock as well, and they will be contextual. That way, if your dock is getting cluttered, simply drag a folder called APPLICATIONS to...
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    Things Apple forgot in OS X

    So, I guess I don't understand. I need to send mail from Earthlink AND from 2 people on the BU account. My roommate doesn't have a computer, and I want him to be able to send an email from with HIS name on them, without having to go in and change the preferences, and without having to...
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    Things Apple forgot in OS X

    There are a few things I have found kinds of anoying that Apple didn't include in OS X, and that I haven't seen anywhere else in these message boards, so if you could ask Apple for them, that'd be swell. 1) Smart Scrollers. They gave 'em to us. Got us used to them, and took them away! How...
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    What can root do for ME?

    I'm not, by any means, very familiar with UNIX. I know a little bit. I kind of understand what root is, but is it dangerous to be logged in as root? I don't do any UNIX commands, and I won't delete anything that I don't know what it is. I just like being root because I have more access to the...
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    What software is compatible?

    Yeah, so I'm kinda new at this whole Unix thing and I really don't understand the whole Cocoa/Carbon/Darwin thing. I am pretty proficient in the Mac OS, but this new Unix thing is throwing me off! I went and got the Unix for Dummies book and I have been entering simple commands to decompress...
  9. I

    Outlook Express

    I was running the newest version of Outlook Express and I wanted to copy (print out) all of my contacts, etc. and imput them into "Mail". However, when I opened Outlook Express in Classic to do this, EVERYTHING WAS RESET!!! All of my contacts were gone, all of my saved email messages were gone...