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  1. virius

    Help with FTP please

    To use FTP it's recommendable to use an FTP-Client. You can try Cyberduck (free). My favourites are Transmit (30$ worth, also great option to deal with iDisk) and Interarchy 40$, my personal favourite (but might be overkill, still have to mention it – it would be perfect if it could handle...
  2. virius

    Google History

    I suppose you use Safari as your browser. Try Safaris Preferences (Cmd-,) Tab "AutoFill"/Other Forms/Edit and delete the Google-Entry. I'll attach Screenshots of the procedure for your comfort. Welcome to the Mac!
  3. virius

    files renaming

    Never tried A Better Finder Rename, because when it comes to Renaming I don't know nothing better than File List. It's Freeware, you can get Info about it on versiontracker. If you are looking for a way to get your things done in ABFR, sorry for my chanting of some other solution.
  4. virius

    Help with Terminal

    There is a Package"tree" in Darwinports. You have to install Darwinports, a Project to bring UNIX Programs to OS X. From there you can install "tree", which you are longing for. It may sound complicated, but you get a lot more than just tree when you start to check out Darwinports! Enjoy!
  5. virius

    Alternatives to Application Enhancer?

    I use Transparent Dock, Donationware/8$ Shareware to get the, well transparent Dock and some other bonus features. I can recommend it. Referring to the APE question, I'd like to wait for more insightful persons than I am… Greetings!
  6. virius

    How do I delete tracks in iTunes w/ keyboard only?

    Neither K nor M works, but you can still Escape from the Dialog :) In fact, the Keyboard Access works afaik everywhere else, thats why I posted first. Just didn't test it, and that's why I was embarrassed. My fault, but I learned from… Thanks for your Reply to my Reply :D and Lt. Major...
  7. virius

    How do I delete tracks in iTunes w/ keyboard only?

    Interesting - it doesn't!:o I'm ashamed. Even more interesting: I use the german Localisation, where it says "Behalten" and "In den Papierkorb". Typing "I" moves it to the trash - typing "B" too! Others make mistakes too, and I sure don't mean Lt Major Burns…
  8. virius

    How do I delete tracks in iTunes w/ keyboard only?

    First you have to enable Full Keyboard Access in System Preferences/Keyboard and Mouse. The Shortcut for this is Control-F7. After that you can select Buttons in Dialogs using TAB, and "klick" Buttons using the Spacebar.
  9. virius

    From PSD to Vector design help!

    If you already got vector info, all you have to do is File:Export:Paths->Illustrator. If you have to create vector info, I use two ways: Sometimes it is easier to draw a path by hand, using the "p" Pen. That works like in Illustrator. The other way is making a selection, create a path from it...
  10. virius

    Forgot Administrators Password!! Now What Do I Do?!!

    Boot from a System CD (holding "C" while startup) and choose "Reset Password" either from the Apple or the Utilities Menu (depending on your System version, 10.3 or 10.4). Doing so you can set a new password for any given account.
  11. virius

    cant switch to root

    Maybe no regular user should become root? ;)
  12. virius

    What's the BEST font management software?

    I recently ran into FontexplorerX and used it for quite a while. I can say I like it and hope Linotype will keep it free (as they say they will…). I'll stay there. FontAgent Pro looked promising to me, but the splitting of Fontfamilies into all the faces make me crazy after a while...
  13. virius

    InDesign text rasterisation / transparent objects ???

    Transparency is a feature of PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5) and above, so there is no need to flatten it. Might be visible, that depends on the RIP used. The text looks heavier, because it's converted in outline. A possible solution is converting all text of that page in outline. You can do this by...
  14. virius

    Font Restore MACOSX

    Font Agent Pro and other professional Font Managment apps have their own Folder to store Fonts, so just do as I write above to delete not needed Fonts. Delete the Font Caches, you can use this link to download the Script I always use for this. I do System Managment for a Print Service...
  15. virius

    Font Restore MACOSX

    Yes it is safe to delete them. Fonts needed by OS X reside in /System/Library/Fonts/. Better don't mess with them… The other one you should not delete is the HelveticaNeue in /Library/Fonts/, lots of apps need it and don't start up when it's not available. All others in /Library/Fonts/...
  16. virius

    iBook: odd clicking noise?

    Same message again: My HD made clicking sounds before it left me. Don't wait, and backup now, and look for a replacement drive. (my iPod saved me when fate hit my internal drive. And there wasn't much time…)
  17. virius

    Changing permissions on just directories?

    short answer: find . -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \; long answer: {} represents the found items. chmod g+s them if that is what you want. And use find . instead of find ./ – the results are passed to -exec ... and the ./ at the beginning of each result might confuse… Just try it and see...
  18. virius

    Tiger booting problem

    Chances are, you never went to System Preferences / Startup Volume and selected your startup volume. I saw this before and it was the case. Have a look…
  19. virius

    apple menu, or other menus

    BTW: when you are in the menubar or in some menu, you are able to select menu items by typing the first letters of the desired item!
  20. virius

    apple menu, or other menus

    Don't hate your Mac for this. It doesn't lack that feature! There is an option to select all elements of any dialog using the TAB key. Unfortunatly I am using german Mac OS X, so I don't exactly know the english terms. But I'll try: System Preferences: Keyboard and Mouse Section "Keyboard...